Calls for Papers
This is a call from Anthropocenes Journal. Original call here:
The deadline is 31 January 2025.
This call starts with a polemic: that, despite their talk about a common human-nonhuman sociality, the majority of new materialisms have evacuated economics from the idea of the social. This statement is made with two disclaimers: 1) Early new materialist texts, such as Donna Haraway’s A Manifesto for Cyborgs (1985), Manuel DeLanda’s One Thousand Years of Nonlinear History (1997) or Bruno Latour’s Aramis, Or the Love of Technology (1996), did engage with economics, though this trajectory seems largely abandoned, affirmative of the status quo, or become replaced with an explicitly anti-anticapitalist rhetoric. 2) There are scholars who have been working on the economisation of the nonhuman (Barua, 2016; Clark & Yusoff, 2014; Ferreira da Silva, 2022; Mbembe, 2017; Murphy, 2017; Ouma, 2016; Swyngedouw, 1996; Tallbear, 2015; Tsing, 2015; Verran, 2011; Yusoff, 2017), though not necessarily through an exclusively new materialist framework.
It has been argued that new materialisms comprise a diverse set of theories. At the same time, there is a degree of homogeneity through the shared ambition to contest hegemonic Western thought patterns and related practices (e.g. binaries, anthropocentricity). This quasi decolonial focus on knowledge has also led to critiques of science, its function as part of colonialism, though mostly through the Western canon itself. While many new materialist authors have stressed the relation between science, or knowledge, and economics, it feels as the current form of economics has been too often accepted as given. In the search for improvements, this acceptance has led to problematic intellectual detours. Examples include forays into Malthusianism and environmental determinism, directions of thought to which most new materialisms have explicitly been opposed (Haraway, 2016; Latour, 2024; Lewis, 2017).
At the same time, this turn is not surprising. New materialisms’ theoretical alliances tend to be marked by hostility towards economics (e.g. criticism of Marx as humanist, privileging of Nietzsche who naturalised economic status). Further, there are obvious perils of decolonisation from within. This can be seen in the increasing adoption of far right and nationalist theorists (Schmitt, Heidegger, Péguy, Renan), as well as the seemingly untainted terminology of the ‘nonhuman’. As the current ‘culture wars’ illustrate, far right ideologies misrepresent (political, economic, physical) threats, using fabricated dangers (e.g. Muslims, trans people) to distract from economic issues in particular. There are growing parallels with new materialism’s economic anxieties.
Against this development, this call represents an appeal for a more thoughtful engagement with new materialisms’ decolonial ambitions and how such reconsiderations might translate into an engagement with economics. As authors such as Zoe Todd (2016) have argued, this needs to entail a greater dialogue with decolonial approaches in the first place. In the recognition of a common desire to expand the social beyond the human, both approaches carry a potential to challenge current economic imaginaries. This does not merely encompass questions about the valuation of ‘nature’ and the boundaries that are drawn around it for this very purpose. It is also, more generally, about the ability to expose the very material foundations of seemingly immaterial processes. Such investigations could, for example, respond to the imaginations of financial flows and other ‘unreal’ economic processes, or uncover historical relations that carry the potential for change.
We invite submissions from any discipline and any interpretation of ‘new materialism’. As a digital open access journal, we also encourage non-traditional formats. Submissions may include standard academic articles, visual essays, audio or audiovisual pieces, creative writing (e.g. poetry). The deadline is 31 January 2025.
Barua, Maan. ‘Lively Commodities and Encounter Value’. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 34, no. 4 (August 2016): 725–44.
Clark, Nigel, and Kathryn Yusoff. ‘Combustion and Society: A Fire-Centred History of Energy Use’. Theory, Culture & Society 31, no. 5 (September 2014): 203–26.
De Landa, Manuel. A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History. Swerve Editions. New York: Zone Books, 1997.
Ferreira da Silva, Denise. Unpayable Debt. On the Antipolitical, v. 1. London: Sternberg Press, 2022.
Haraway, Donna Jeanne. Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene. Durham: Duke University Press, 2016.
Haraway, Donna Jeanne. ‘Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s’. Socialist Review 15, no. 2 (1985): 65–107.
Latour, Bruno. ‘Is Europe’s Soil Changing beneath Our Feet?’ Groupe d’études Géopolitiques. Accessed 26 November 2023.
Latour, Bruno. Aramis, or the Love of Technology. Translated by Catherine Porter. 4. printing. Cambridge, Massachusetts London: Harvard University Press, 2002.
Lewis, Sophie. ‘Cthulhu Plays No Role for Me’. Viewpoint Magazine, 8 May 2017.
Mbembe, Achille, and Laurent Dubois. Critique of Black Reason. Durham: Duke University Press, 2017.
Murphy, Michelle. The Economization of Life. Durham ; London: Duke University Press, 2017.
Ouma, Stefan. ‘From Financialization to Operations of Capital: Historicizing and Disentangling the Finance–Farmland-Nexus’. Geoforum 72 (June 2016): 82–93.
Swyngedouw, Erik. ‘The City as a Hybrid: On Nature, Society and Cyborg Urbanization’. Capitalism Nature Socialism 7, no. 2 (June 1996): 65–80.
TallBear, Kim. ‘An Indigenous Reflection on Working Beyond the Human/Not Human’. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 21, no. 2 (2015): 230–35.
Todd, Zoe. ‘An Indigenous Feminist’s Take On The Ontological Turn: “Ontology” Is Just Another Word For Colonialism’. Journal of Historical Sociology 29, no. 1 (2016): 4–22.
Tsing, Anna Lowenhaupt. The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2015.
Verran, Helen. ‘Imagining Nature Politics in the Era of Australia’s Emerging Market in Environmental Services Interventions’. The Sociological Review 59, no. 3 (August 2011): 411–31.
Yusoff, Kathryn. ‘Indeterminate Subjects, Irreducible Worlds: Two Economies of Indeterminacy’. Body & Society 23, no. 3 (September 2017): 75–101.
Call for abstracts: Interdisciplinary workshop DOWNLOAD HERE
Anticipatory Governance in the Anthropocene: Opacity, Cybernetics, and Resilience
November 4th and 5th, 2024 Fulda University of Applied Sciences
Claudia Wiesner, Fulda University of Applied Sciences,; David Chandler, University of Westminster, UK,; Pol Bargues, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs,
The puzzle:
Anticipatory governance, i.e. ways of governing that prevent or limit problems, conflicts and natural disasters before they occur, is at a premium today when catastrophic events and (armed) conflicts seemingly occur without warning. But, while it is more necessary than ever, it seems to be much more difficult to achieve. This is because the polycrisis is not governable in modernist ways, i.e. in cause-and-effect approaches that work on linear crisis scenarios of prevention, mitigation, and response in separated policy fields. These no longer work in our contemporary times – described as the Anthropocene.
Anticipatory governance in the polycrisis requires to take into account various entanglements, rely on a more systemic approach, think in networks, include contexts, and take into account that there is no effect of a policy or action that does not also have a side-effect. This thinking is at odds with a policy field tradition that is used to cause-effects models and separating fields, with e.g. healthcare, nature protection and economics being separated portfolios. But today, it is no longer possible to separate out, to compartmentalise, different problems and solutions, the world is too entangled and interrelated. If what matters is specific context and relations, then it is not possible just to import knowledges, policies, organisational procedures, and technologies from elsewhere into separate fields.
The potential gains of anticipatory governance are huge, but also the challenges to put it into effect. We are required to govern in anticipatory ways in relation to crises such that we move forward rather than merely maintain the equilibrium, attain stability, or return to a state of normality that no longer exists (and probably triggered the crises). We know we cannot be passive and merely address problems and threats reactively. We also know that entanglement means that there are no clearcut and easy separations between how we govern ourselves and the societal and environmental impacts of problems. Anticipatory governance is then not merely a matter of specific policy knowledge or emergency response coordination but of enhancing our capacities of self-organisation that not only includes humans but also their societal and natural environment. We wish to explore exactly what this might mean in practice.
How do societies and communities adapt and grow in relation to the complex threats and problems of the age of the “polycrisis”? How does anticipatory governance work when what is crucial are specific capacities and relationships? What does self-organisation mean at different levels and scales? If small differences can have major consequences for effects and outcomes, how is it possible to prioritise concerns? What knowledge can we gain from analysing ways in which social and community responses have emerged in relation to crises and problems? We seek to start from the current state of the art in the field of anticipatory governance and are interested in comparative study of conceptualisations, policies and practices across a wide range of policy areas, from disaster response to community development, to post-conflict peacebuilding.
We seek to focus upon three themes:
Opacity. The starting point for anticipatory governance is the fact that crises are context sensitive. Crises elicit different responses in different communities, just as individuals differ in their responses to problems. It is therefore not always possible to tell merely from appearances (or statistical analysis or social, economic, and political breakdowns) how responses are shaped and why, let alone which crisis reaction leads to which outcome. Societies, individuals, and communities in this often appear as black boxes. How does opacity appear in policy thinking and how is it responded to? How are the black boxes of societies, individuals and communities – the realms of opacity – conceptualised (or not) and dealt with? What does this mean for anticipatory governance? We seek papers that examine the problem of opacity as it appears for policy concerns and for policymakers. We are particularly interested in drawing together comparisons between cases where opacity is minimised or denied and where opacity is seen to be a central problem.
Cybernetics. How do we open up the black box? How do we access the internal relations that differentiate, or ground, responses in complex contexts and systems? What methodologies and approaches are required? It seems that anticipatory governance approaches share much with the broad field of cybernetics and systems theory dealing with non-linear outcomes, i.e. how problems elicit different responses. Since the work of early cybernetics theorists such as Ross Ashby and Norbert Weiner, societies have been conceptualised in ‘black box’ terms enabling experimental social research in terms of input and output analysis. How does a cybernetics approach inform work seeking to see societies in the more mobile and developmental terms of transformation, rather than with the aim to maintain an equilibrium? How may cybernetics help societies develop and transform in the face of shocks?
Resilience. We think that shaping our discussion of anticipatory governance from the starting point of opacity, locating the problem as one of lack of access to internal relations in communities that differentiate responses (making outcomes non-linear) is key. The focus is then on the inner relations of societies, communities, and individuals rather than upon merely the inputs – policies of prevention – or the outputs (effects) – emergency responses after the event. If the black box, i.e. the part that brings the mediation between the input and the output is key, anticipatory governance works with the problems of opacity, of mediation, and of relation. This work can feed into analysis of broader, dominant, policy discourses. These are often labelled in terms of “resilience” – generally speaking, this concept emphasises a system ́s capacity to self-regulate when confronted with external shocks. In light of the above reflections, these resilience-oriented policy discourses can then be seen to be often hampered by a confusion over how processes can be conceptualised because they make (implicit) assumptions about the insides of the black box.
Public Keynote lecture on Monday Nov 4th, 18:00
Prof. Dr. Thomas Lemke, Goethe University Frankfurt: Technologies of anticipation. Investigating practices of future-making in contemporary societies
Please do send your abstract until August 18th, 2024 to
The workshop is fully funded for accepted papergivers, including travel and accommodation.
Paper Session: ‘Critique Beyond Relation’ (in-person only)
Session Organisers: David Chandler ( and Jonathan Pugh (
Relation is at the centre of much work in Human Geography. Neoliberal frameworks, for example, depend on ontologies of relation to explain and to legitimate differences in outcomes, to rationalise the reproduction of inequalities and exclusions. For relational constructivists and actor network theorists, anarchy or capitalism, or anything else, “is what actors make of it”. The rapid change in Human Geography from modernist ontologies of top-down transformation, to bottom-up ones of relation, entanglement, assemblage, speculation and attuning to emergence, shifts the register from critique to affirmation.
In recent years, relational approaches have come under a variety of critiques, which range from charges of affirming and suborning us to reproducing the world as it exists; to the misappropriation of non-Western epistemology, ontology, and cosmology; to reinstating the authority of the (post- or more-than-) human; to starting from metaphysics rather than foundational cuts and worlding violences. For this session we welcome papers that seek to engage ‘Critique Beyond Relation’. Contributors might potentially draw upon, or indeed critically interrogate, the growing popularity of various recent developments, such as, the aesthetics or the poetics of suspension, the void, fugitivity, non-relation, the Anthropocene and the extinction of the human, the undercommons, and psychoanalytically inspired approaches, which enrol Lacan or Fanon to refuse relation in order to centre opacity and the negative.
Please email a title, abstract of no more than 150 words, and keywords, along with details of all authors, by 20th February 2024, to David Chandler ( and Jonathan Pugh ( Further details about the conference.
Call for Papers, 11th European Workshops in International Studies, Istanbul, 3-5 July 2024
Working with the Negative
Convenors: Valerie Waldow, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg (; David Chandler, Westminster University, London (
Workshop Description
This workshop seeks to explore the potential of ‘working with the negative’ in the context of IR. We address the theme The future yet to come: for a global politics of hope by inviting participants to delve deeper into the problematic of how we engage critically with what exists while avoiding either the disavowal of modernity’s violences and exclusions or risking their reproduction.
We seek to open up ‘the negative’ as a space for rethinking fundamental concepts such as worlds, subjectivity, agency, temporality, resistance and refusal. The concept of negativity has its roots in Hegelian, Post-Hegelian and Marxist scholarship, as well as in Frankfurt School Critical Theory and in contemporary Critical Black Studies. In this context, negativity emerges as a critical perspective that challenges and disrupts the boundaries and divisions of modernity, rather than moving to produce or claim new ontological certainties and alternative modes of governance.
Many contemporary approaches within IR, particularly those rooted in relational paradigms and concerned with the Anthropocene, work with the negative in ways that are generative of non-modernist approaches to the world and our current predicament. Often framed as ‘post-apocalyptic’ these approaches declare a radical break with modernity as having already occurred, paving the way for new and creative ways of ‘living on in the ruins’. Other approaches work with the negative but seek to ‘stay with the trouble’ of modernity as a condition we cannot just read or write our way out of. We seek to critically explore different ways of working with the negative at the end of/ after/ and in opposition to modernist framings and to interrogate the stakes in assuming that modernity is ending/ has ended/ still requires ending.
We invite contributions engaging with the following themes and questions:
Exploring the Concept of the Negative in IR: What are the foundational principles of ‘the negative’ and how does it intersect with critical Black and Indigenous studies, critical environment studies, radical politics, queer-feminist theory, and the Anthropocene?
Interrogating the post-apocalyptic: By portraying the present as post-apocalyptic, do we move too quickly to wipe the slate clean? Should we stay with the trouble of modernity’s crises? What are the costs and disavowals involved in focusing on alternative futures amidst the persisting violences of the present? What role can hope play here?
Rethinking Agency and Subjectivity: How does ‘the negative’ challenge established ideas of agency and subjectivity in IR? Can working with ‘the negative’ foster a more nuanced understanding of the intricate processes of becoming?
Critiquing Modernity – Critique in the Anthropocene: What are the critical implications of employing ‘the negative’ in reevaluating modernity? How does ‘the negative’ problematize, challenge, disrupt, move beyond, end or abolish the violence and artifice inherent in ontological world-making?
Critical Ethics of Negation: What is the significance of critical ethics grounded in negation, resistance, and the refusal of modernity? How does working with the negative seek to problematize and undo the world of modernity, and what are implications of such an approach in a global context?
Submission deadline: 5 February 2024 via:
The EISA standing section ST09 is devoted to the multiple engagements of IR scholars with the notion of the Anthropocene. It provides a space to think through the new forms of political agency and governance that we see emerging in the Anthropocene. It fosters critical discussions of the concept – for example from decolonial, queer, feminist, critical black studies and/or poststructuralist perspectives – and invites proposals for thinking the Anthropocene differently. It reflects upon the technological dimension of the Anthropocene and engages with the implications of posthumanism beyond the realm of ecology (for example in the realm of AI and other emerging technologies). Finally, it includes methodological discussions and fosters new and creative approaches to studying international politics.
This year we are particularly interested in papers and panels that explore the multiple dimensions and aspects of violence that characterize international relations in the Anthropocene. This includes both conceptual work on forms of violence – including for example slow violence, posthuman violence, colonial violence, extractivist violence, ontological and epistemic violence – as well as empirical investigations of the complex manifestations of violence in relation to global anthropogenic changes.
Possible themes include:
- Temporalities and spatialities of violence in the Anthropocene
- Security, digital technologies and algorithmic violence
- Knowledge production and epistemic violence
- Extractivist violence and the “plantationocene”
- The violence of im/mobility in the Anthropocene
- Apocalyptic imaginaries and political eschatology
Please submit your abstract via the conference online platform no later than 16 March 2022.
For information on the conference visit
Please get in touch if there are any remaining questions: or
Delf Rothe and David Chandler
Section 20: International Relations in the Anthropocene
Chairs: Delf Rothe ( and David Chandler (
The Anthropocene has become a major concern for scholars of international politics and one that, for many authors, fundamentally destabilizes much of the traditional disciplinary concerns and assumptions. The crisis brought about by rising temperatures and sea levels goes well beyond the physical impacts of climate change and other anthropogenic environmental changes. The Anthropocene is a crisis of government – as established modes of governance seem increasingly inappropriate to deal with the complex and unbounded political problems we see emerging. Furthermore, the Anthropocene is a crisis of Western ethics and political theory – as established anthropocentric norms, institutions and values appear increasingly problematic and outdated. Finally, the Anthropocene is a crisis of imagination, as Amitav Gosh crucially reminds us, since it becomes increasingly difficult to imagine any alternative to the current path of fossil-fuels based consumption and destruction.
The proposed section is devoted to the multiple engagements of IR scholars with the notion of the Anthropocene. It provides a space to think through the new forms of political agency and governance that we see emerging in the Anthropocene. It fosters critical discussions of the concept – for example from decolonial, feminist, and/or poststructuralist perspectives – and invites proposals for thinking the Anthropocene differently. It reflects upon the technological dimension of the Anthropocene and engages with the implications of posthumanism beyond the realm of ecology (for example in the realm of AI and other emerging technologies). Finally, it includes methodological discussions and fosters new and creative approaches to studying international politics.
We are interested in paper proposals and panels including but not limited to the following themes:
* IR Theory and the Anthropocene challenge
* Anthropocene (Post)Epistemology: Algorithms, Big Data, Sensing and Correlation
* Governing the Anthropocene
* The Anthropocene beyond the West
* Anthropocene Mobilities: The politics of movement in an age of change
* Security in the Anthropocene
Please contact the section chairs if you wish to discuss any suggestions for panels and papers before the official deadline of midnight (CET) 16 March.
Session Organisers: David Chandler & Jonathan Pugh
The small island is one of the most emblematic and symbolic figures of the Anthropocene. In the media, academia and international policy-making, small islands are one of the most high-profile figures for debates about global warming, sea level rise, intensifying disasters such as hurricanes, the vast accumulations of plastics in surrounding oceans, and nuclear fallout. Just as notable, islands have become key sites for a whole range of different approaches to philosophy, politics and ethics in the Anthropocene; from islands often being at the centre of contemporary debates about resilience and indigeneity, to newly emerging speculative ontologies and technologies for correlating to the forces of the Anthropocene. This explicitly positions the figure of the island in the Anthropocene at the centre of a wide range of key contemporary cross-disciplinary debates that cut across many intellectual concerns and practices.
We invite presentations which will address some or all of the following three key questions:
1) Why has the figure of the island emerged as one of the most emblematic figures of the Anthropocene?
2) How are islands being reconfigured and appropriated in debates about the Anthropocene?
3) Given the centrality of the figure of the island, what does this reconfiguring of islands in the Anthropocene tell us about how the stakes of the Anthropocene itself are more broadly being approached and engaged?
For further information, or if you are interested in submitting an abstract, contact David Chandler ( and Jonathan Pugh ( Deadline for submission of abstracts is Monday 10th February, 2020.
The small island is one of the most emblematic and symbolic figures of the Anthropocene. In the media, academia and international policy-making, small islands are the most high-profile figures for debates about global warming, sea level rise, intensifying disasters such as hurricanes, the vast accumulations of plastics in surrounding oceans, and nuclear fallout. Just as notable, islands have become key laboratories for a whole range of novel approaches to philosophy, politics and ethics in the Anthropocene; from islands often being at the centre of contemporary debates about resilience and indigeneity, to newly emerging speculative ontologies and technologies for correlating to the forces of the Anthropocene. This explicitly positions the figure of the island in the Anthropocene at the centre of a wide range of key contemporary cross-disciplinary debates that cut across many intellectual concerns and practices.
Yet, to date no special issue/section of a leading journal—or indeed any other journal for that matter—has been produced on the figure of the island in the Anthropocene. The papers in this special section will answer three key questions:
1) Why has the figure of the island emerged as one of the most emblematic figures of the Anthropocene?
2) How are islands being reconfigured and appropriated in debates about the Anthropocene?
3) Given the centrality of the figure of the island, what does this reconfiguring of islands in the Anthropocene tell us about how the stakes of the Anthropocene itself are more broadly being approached and engaged?
This special section will be published in May 2022 in Island Studies Journal 17(1), but individual papers will be published online ahead of print as and when they complete the peer review and editorial process. Island Studies Journal (ISJ) is a web-based, freely downloadable, open access, peer reviewed, electronic journal that publishes papers advancing and critiquing the study of issues affecting or involving islands. It is listed and abstracted in Scopus and Web of Science (Social Science Citations Index).
For further information, or if you are interested in submitting a paper, contact guest editors David Chandler ( and Jonathan Pugh ( Manuscripts should be between 5,000-8,000 words and must be written in excellent English (prepared in accordance with the ISJ submission guidelines:
Interested authors are asked to submit abstracts of 150-200 words by 31 January 2020. If accepted, initial drafts of full papers will be expected by 31 January 2021. The deadline for final submission is 31 May 2021. These materials should be e-mailed to the guest editors (please use the title ‘Special Section on Anthropocene Islands’).
We seek to organise a panel (or panels) examining the interplay of modernist/ non-modernist assumptions in contemporary international theory and policy-practice. We argue that this is an exciting but also confusing time for academics and policy-advocates, with the recognition that many of the discipline’s grounding assumptions have lost their unquestioned authority but yet the normative goals of problem-solving (although often attenuated) remain in place. We see this across the theoretical and policy areas of the discipline, with the rise of more mediated and differentiated approaches and rejection of universalist or centralised framings, as the focus shifts towards understanding more complex or entangled relations where unintended consequences or side-effects of policy interventions proliferate. We seek to ‘stay with the trouble’ of modernity in this apparent time of transition to a ‘beyond’ or ‘post’, increasingly labelled the Anthropocene. Questions we would be interested in pursuing include but are not limited to:
How might collective or pluriversal identities be enabling in a world of increasing differentiation?
What does it mean to talk about or aspire to ‘freedom’, ‘emancipation’ or ‘sovereignty’ in a world of entangled dependencies?
How can politics and governance work or remain instrumentally meaningful if we we no longer inhabit a ‘one world world’ of universal or linear causality?
Can we pick and choose from modern and non-modern assumptions or ways of being and knowing and, if so, how?
How can we be sure that efforts to ‘de-naturalise’ race, sex, or ability, do not occlude modernity’s material legacy as a ‘process of mattering’?
Do non-modern framings of the ‘more-than-human’ merely relegitimise disciplinary forms of power and control (much as ‘global’ approaches merely reaffirmed and reproduced the liberal assumptions of the ‘international’)?
We invite contributions across different thematics and theoretical perspectives as we feel that this is a discussion that needs to be held as openly as possible. Please send abstracts of less than 200 words with 3 tag words and a title of less that 50 words to Jennifer Lawrence (, Nicholas Fiori ( and David Chandler ( by Friday 24 May at the latest.
Call for Papers: ‘Anthropocene Politics: International Relations after the end of the World’, Section 03 at the European International Studies Association (EISA) Pan-European Conference, Prague, September 2018
The call for papers and panels CLOSES 1 FEBRUARY
Section Chairs: Delf Rothe, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH) and David Chandler, University of Westminster
Anthropocene Politics: International Relations after the end of the World
The Anthropocene—the new geological epoch of humanity’s own making—promises to be a major challenge to scholars of IR. The Anthropocene is much more than a discussion of how to deal with climate change. As Timothy Morton prominently argued, the advent of the Anthropocene marks ‘the end of the world’—not (only) physically, as ecological catastrophe at planetary scale, but in a philosophical sense. The Anthropocene collapses the foundations of modernity: subject-centred rationalism and anthropocentric norms, discourses and regulations. The speed and energy of planetary changes overwhelm existing political institutions, from national parliaments to UN organisations.
For some, the discovery of Anthropocene leaves little hope for future international relations. They paint a bleak scenario, in which Anthropocene politics resembles a mere management of the post-apocalyptic present: the governance of polluted oceans, flooded cities, and deserted landscapes. In this new world, survival is all we can hope for. Others, however, paint a more optimistic picture. For them, the collapse of the modernist universe represents a unique possibility: to decolonize international relations, to become attuned to the needs of nonhumans, to (re)discover non-Western indigenous cosmologies, to renegotiate political ideas including security, participation or well-being, and to establish new forms of (cosmo)political cooperation.
This section is devoted to this wide range of discussions which seek to interrogate the claims made for (and against) the Anthropocene. For this, it invites contributions from a wide range of perspectives, including constructivism, post-structuralism, new materialism, post- and decolonialism, feminism, IPE, environmentalism, (critical) realism, and rationalism.
The conference will take place in Prague from 12-15 September 2018. All information about the conference can be found here –
You can submit your panel, roundtable and paper proposals through the online platform here ReturnUrl=%2FcmportalV15%2Fportal%2FPEC18%2Fnormal
Submission guidelines are available here –
Questions should be sent to or directly to David ( and Delf (
Call for Papers: International Studies Association Conference 2018, International Studies Association, 4-7 April, San Francisco
Panel Proposal: The Vegetal Moment in Global Politics? Vegetal Ontologies of Presence and Resistance in the Anthropocene
Organisers: Dr Charlotte Heath-Kelly, PAIS, University of Warwick
Professor David Chandler, Politics and International Relations, University of Westminster
Of what status are trees and plants in global politics? What claims are made on their behalf in political activism? And how can vegetal ontologies advance our conceptualisation of the Anthropocene?
Questions of vegetal significance are not new. In Heidegger’s text ‘What is Called Thinking?’, his phenomenology was articulated through an encounter with an apple tree. The tree faces Heidegger’s protagonist, defying standard phenomenology, in an account of the vibrant presence of the vegetal. Similarly, Michael Marder has uncovered the place of the plant within Western philosophical trajectories (2014) and together with Luce Irigaray (2016) has articulated the feminist necessity to embrace vegetal ontologies within the Anthropocene.
We are interested to receive abstracts (of 200 words max) which situate the recent emergence of vegetal ontology in Eurocentric thought alongside non-Western ontologies of copresence, such as Eduardo Kohn’s How Forests Think (2013). Can useful conversation occur without replicating colonial appropriation? We also seek papers which theoretically and empirically explore activism undertaken on behalf of vegetal being, such as environmental activism in neoliberal, colonial or decolonial contexts. Finally, we are excited to receive abstracts addressing the appropriation of vegetal being and ontology within urban regeneration projects and memorial symbolism, as well as papers which explore the importance of vegetal ontologies for the Anthropocene and digital era.
Please send your abstracts of 200 words (max) to & by 15th May.
Call for Papers: ‘Mapping, Mercator and Modernity: The Impact of the Digital’ Workshop
Date: 25th-26th April 2017
Venue: Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Schifferstr. 196, 47059 Duisburg
This funded workshop will explore the relationships between mapping, linearity, imaginaries of control and global cooperation. What drives the growing demand for mapping and visualizations of the world? Does this reflect an increased capacity for contestation or of control and regulation or perhaps even a retreat from the world? What is at stake in the fact that maps and visualizations are not the world but leave an irreducible gap? How does the digital transform the politics of maps and mapping?
This workshop is part of a two-day event, including a public forum, the 8th Käte Hamburger Dialogue. Participants will include:
Claudia Aradau, Reader in International Politics, King¹s College London
David Chandler, Professor of International Relations, University of Westminster, London
Mark Duffield, Emeritus Professor at the Global Insecurities Centre, University of Bristol
Anna Feigenbaum, Principal Academic in Digital Storytelling, Faculty of Media and Communication Bournemouth University
Ute Schneider, Professor of Social and Economic History, Historical Institute, University Duisburg-Essen (tbc)
The workshop and Dialogue form part of a Mercator project interrogating the transformation of technologies of global cooperation with the questioning of the epistemological and ontological assumptions of modernity. Gerhard Mercator lived in Duisburg for the last 40 years of his life (1552-1594). As a major founder of both the linear time and space of modernity, Mercator is most famous for his world map, the projection of the world in 1569 making straight lines match fixed courses of sail. Intended for mariners¹ use, the map became the accepted view of the world despite its famous distortions.
We would be particularly interested in papers including (but not necessarily limited to) the following themes:
* The power and importance of mapping as a technology for understanding, constructing and intervening in the world.
* The impact of the digital on what we understand as mapping in relation to time and space.
* The political possibilities of thinking and mapping otherwise and the implications for global cooperation.
Abstracts of 250 words should be sent to Elena Simon, by 10 March 2017. Draft papers will be circulated before the workshop with the possibility
that we may produce a collective publication.
The workshop is funded by Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research, Universität Duisburg-Essen so please state if you wish to be considered for
funding for transport/accommodation.
Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual convention, Boston (April 5-9, 2017) – ‘Rethinking the Digital and the Analogue: Epistemologies of the Anthropocene’
Call for abstracts for two panels at the Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual convention 2017 Boston (April 5-9, 2017)
‘Rethinking the Digital and the Analogue: Epistemologies of the Anthropocene’
Convenors: Charlotte Heath-Kelly (University of Warwick), Nat O’Grady (University of Southampton) and David Chandler (University of Westminster)
While there is agreement that the Anthropocene calls into question modernist epistemologies and exhausts reductionist ontologies and linear causal reasoning, there seems to be much less agreement on what it means to ‘know” ourselves or the world in the epoch of the Anthropocene. How can knowledge be acquired in a complex and fluid world, where binary conceptions of the inside/outside, mind/matter, subject/object and culture/nature are no longer held to operate? We will be organising two panels, one focused on the digital and the second on the analogue as epistemological approaches with alternative renderings and possibilities. The questions we are concerned with include: Do Big Data approaches and the Internet of Things enable new forms of sensory knowledge or machinic knowledge assemblies? Can forms of analogical thinking challenge modernist homogenising and reductive approaches of the ‘Digital’ (Galloway, Laruelle against the Digital, 2014)? Can new forms of ‘Analogue’ knowing emerge, perhaps derived from forms of indigenous knowing or slum-dweller repurposing or technological hacks? Are cybernetic approaches enabling new forms of relational ontology (Pickering, The Cybernetic Brain, 2010; Hayles, How we became Posthuman, 1999; Halpern, Beautiful Data, 2014)?
Abstracts of 200 words, by 15 September 2015 deadline please to, N.O’ and
** Deadline Extended ** – 24th April 2016
CfP – The Politics of Representation – Graduate Conference, Wednesday 8 June 2016
The Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Westminster is pleased to host the first event of the recently founded New Perspectives Series, an initiative by the DPIR graduate community that aims at promoting critical and cutting-edge research among doctoral- and early-career-researchers. The first installment of the series wishes to engage with (and challenge) the idea of ‘representation’, a prolific and widely utilized concept in political and international analysis with often take-for-granted implications.
We welcome submissions by doctoral researchers that explore approaches to representation through a multi-disciplinary lens, and invite paper-submissions that touch upon one or several of the following thematic complexes:
– Theories of political affects
– Embodiment and corporeal experience
– Network- and assemblage-theories
– Performativity and experimentation
– Non-representational agency in global affairs
– Ethics of (non)-representations
– Direct action, activism, the politics of the everyday
– Feasibility of immanent politics
– Spatializing practices and the politics of space
– Power and (non)-representation
– Discursive representation of (in)-security
– The unknown as a discursive space
– Representations of danger
– Representation, insecurity, and culture/identity
– Representing danger through counter-narratives
Abstract-submissions should be limited to 300 words and need to be accompanied by a 100-words biography. Manuscripts must have an approximate length of 2.000 – 8.000 words. Please submit both via
Deadline for abstract submission: Sunday, 24 April 2016
Conference paper submission: Monday, 30 May 2016
Please submit abstracts via
Please visit
The organizers are please to announce a best-paper-competition that will reward a piece of rigorous and innovative research with a £ 100 book voucher. The author will also receive the opportunity to present his or her work ahead of the Keynote Event.
Participation and registration is free of charge.
Workshop, Call for papers:
Beyond Liberal Peace? Exploring the Rise of Pragmatic Approaches to Peace
The Danish Institute for International Studies, Copenhagen, 28-29 April 2016
Organized by David Chandler (Westminster University) & Louise Wiuff Moe (DIIS, Danish Institute for International Studies)
The politics of international peace building is undergoing changes with regards to both its conduct and theory. On the backdrop of the bankruptcy of orthodox liberal peace approaches to fragile states and conflict settings, policy makers and academics from different fields, are starting to move towards a more pragmatic position with regards to the means and ends of peacebuilding. Much work has gone into analysing the problems, limits and unintended consequences of linear teleological Liberal Peace approaches which seek to impose external frameworks of understanding and the problems and contradictions of the Liberal Peace is well established, and has been engaged with from a number of new institutionalist, post-colonial, Foucauldian and critical positions. Where there has been a lack of research emphasis is upon the alternative policy approaches beyond Liberal peace, which are only now coming to the centre of attention. This workshop explores this new area of pragmatic approaches. Pragmatic approaches consciously seek to go beyond the Liberal Peace paradigm. Pragmatic approaches do not assume that international interveners necessarily have the knowledge or the power to set out predefined policy goals or lead the processes of attaining them. Where Liberal Peace approaches tended to set up a discursive divide between international interveners and local groups and organisations, based on superior attributes of power, resources, knowledge and values, pragmatic approaches seek to build upon existing ‘everyday’ capacities, institutions and practices on the ground. Pragmatism, in brief, has the connotation of an anti-foundationalist approach that derives theory from practice and is grounded in actual experiences, rather than in the abstractions of normative frameworks. Rather than emphasising external resources and knowledge, these approaches start from existing capacities and understandings and seek to build upon them, to reach solutions to contextspecific challenges. This workshop seeks to engage with pragmatic approaches to peace, asking how intervention works and is legitimised in the context of building upon contextual practices and institutions rather than seeking to overcome and redirect them; what agendas, values and power relations underpin this emerging shift; what conceptual and theoretical lenses may help us study this ‘practice turn’ and; whether the contradictions of the Liberal Peace approach are overcome in these ways.
To this end, we invite scholars from peace and conflict studies, anthropology, international relations, political science and sociology to present papers that address one or more of the following sets of questions:
What are the grounds for intervention in pragmatic approaches? In Liberal Peace approaches the external subject position of the liberal intervener was well defined, as external to the ‘local problematic’ and as the contributor of expertise which the ‘locals’ were seen to lack. Thereby intervention could follow predetermined goals –yet, what is on offer in regards to pragmatic approaches to peace? As interveners declare a lack of knowledge; deferring to local expertise, they downplay their capacity to affect change and claim to learn from the locals as much as they impart their own knowledge and skills, the question becomes, why intervene in the first place? In brief, what are the grounds for intervention in pragmatic approaches?
Pragmatism and Liberal Peace: continuity or change? To what extent are pragmatic approaches indicative of international/liberal retreat, disorientation, and discontinuity; a ‘post liberal’ state of confusion?, or, conversely, to what extent do they represent continuities – or even the expansion – of liberal impositions and governing rationales, reframed through new narratives?
Pragmatic approaches as politics of failure? While the concept of peacebuilding was initially understood in terms of the possibilities for transferring externally-created expertise and blueprints, the recent pragmatic discourse is shaped by widely acknowledged failures and deadlocks, which in turn drives the shift from ‘grand planning’ to pragmatism. How does the political recognition of failure relate to pragmatic approaches? And, in this regard, can failure operate as a mechanism which enables the continuation of peacebuilding interventions?
Further information We are planning to publish a selection of the papers in a journal special issue with International Peacekeeping. If you are interested in participating in the workshop, please submit an abstract (250- 300 words) to Ann Sophie Krogh Kjeldsen (Student Assistant, DIIS) (with subject: “pragmatism and peace”) by 15 November 2015. Paper invitations, based on accepted abstracts, will be issued by 11 December 2015. Full draft papers are due by 31 March 2016. The workshop will start at 1 pm 28th and end at 4 pm 29th April. Lunch and refreshments during the workshop + a workshop dinner will be covered by DIIS.
The Anthropocene signals a new geological epoch in which humans have become a geophysical force. The possibility that human activity now produces the environments on which it depends destabilizes the image of a stable Earth that has grounded Western philosophy and politics for two millennia. Critical scholars assert that Anthropocene thinking can provoke new understandings of spatiality, temporality, ethics, responsibility and politics. As Simon Dalby (2013) suggests, a new kind of politics becomes possible when we begin to consider that the stakes include (de)forming the world we inhabit. However, Brad Evans and Julian Reid (2014) argue that the Anthropocene just as easily presents a dangerous, vengeful Earth teetering on the brink of systemic collapse – a catastrophic discourse that creates fearful subjects who desire resilience in order to survive a calamitous future. The Anthropocene’s world-deforming vision leads into a reactionary bio-politics of resilience that fashions adaptive neoliberal subjects capable of surviving whatever surprises complexity has in store.
Thus two concepts have been central to the shifting dynamics of power and agency under the political ecology of complexity: the Anthropocene and resilience. And yet, resilience techniques do not produce uniform effects. The deployment of resilience always occurs within particular socio-ecological contexts striated by multiple conflicts and tensions. Resilience intervenes in, and is inflected by, these contextually-specific relations. Ben Anderson’s (2015: 62) call to recognize that “‘resilience’ names a fractured, multiple, empirical field rather than a series of generic characteristics” means that not only will resilience be something different in different times and places, it will also produce uneven and potentially unintended effects as well. Thus, there is no guarantee that resilience interventions will necessarily reinforce neoliberal order; they could just as well catalyze new ways of harnessing complex life’s potentiality. The bio-politics of resilience may attempt to constrain and regulate adaptability, but these constraints are plastic, malleable, and can thus be broken, cast aside or even re-molded into weapons.
This special issue of Resilience: International Policies, Practices and Discourses will explore the indeterminate political ecologies opened by the Anthropocene and resilience. It takes seriously the call from Dalby, Evans and Reid, Anderson and others to think through the different ways politics might be thought, practiced, and analyzed through the malleable worlds of the Anthropocene and the complex life of resilience thinking. We invite abstracts from across the disciplines that offer empirically driven, theoretically informed papers that engage with the Anthropocene and resilience to explore the shifting forms of geo-politics and bio-politics that reinforce and challenge neoliberal political ecologies. Abstracts may touch on these themes in any number of fields, including but not limited to climate change adaptation, disaster management and development, international relations, environmental security, or urban development and security.
References: Anderson B (2015) What kind of thing is resilience? Politics 35(1): 60-66; Dalby S (2013) Biopolitics and climate security in the Anthropocene. Geoforum 49: 184-192; Evans B and Reid J (2014) Resilient Life: The Art of Living Dangerously. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Submission Instructions: Abstracts of no more than 500 words should be submitted to Kevin Grove (Aberystwyth University/Florida International Univeristy, and David Chandler (University of Westminster, by 12 October 2015. Deadline for invited full submissions will be 1 March 2016.
Call for Papers: ‘The Politics of Digital Technology’
Panel Proposal for the International Studies Association 57th Annual Conference, Atlanta Georgia, 16-19 March 2016
Convenors: Linda Monsees and David Chandler
The importance of technology, especially digital technologies, for world politics has increasingly caught the attention of IR-scholars. The so-called digital revolution asks us to rethink the role of technology in our current times and to consider how its specific characteristics might challenge traditional political ontologies. It is now widely acknowledged that technology is more than a residual category for theorizing world politics but in the centre of ongoing transformations. These transformations can be observed in real-world political debates and policy-making (Wikileaks and data gathering, the rule of the algorithm, digital humanitarianism, Big Data and the Internet of Things) and also in a growing theoretical interest in science and technology studies (STS) and the ‘material-turn’.
Contributing to this debate, this panel seeks to rethink the possibilities for theorizing the relationship between technology and politics. The current challenge lies in meaningfully conceptualizing technology and its relation to politics in a way that does not reduce technology to just another variable determining the outcome of policies. However, assuming that all technology is always already political might hinder us from understanding the specific linkages between technology and politics or the distinct characteristics enabling technology to be political. Insights from science and technology studies might help to engage with the social role of technology, but the question of how technology is political remains open. Adapting STS to political science might need additional tools for thoroughly engaging with the political aspects of technology. That is why we would like to bring scholars together who work from different theoretical perspectives and use a variety of approaches.
We welcome contributions that ask how we can grasp the distinct characteristics of the relationship between politics and technology. Theoretical and/or empirical contributions that aim at understanding the above outlined questions are welcomed. Possible contributions might ask about the politics of certain technologies, the specificities of digital technologies or how technologies might challenge traditional categories of International Relations.
Please send proposals with a title (limited to 50 words) and an abstract (limited to 200 words), three tags, and at least one author to Linda Monsees ( and David Chandler ( by 15 May 2015.
Call for papers (TWO SESSIONS): RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, Exeter, 1-4 Sept 2015
Session convenors:
· Jonathan Pugh (School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, University of Newcastle, UK)
· Elaine Stratford (School of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Tasmania)
· David Chandler (Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Westminster)
Islands, Archipelagos and the Anthropocene I: contemporary debates in island studies
Some 600 million people live on islands (10% of the world’s population) and 44 of the world’s 192 sovereign states are island states (Baldacchino, 2007; Baldacchino and Royle, 2010). While until recently island studies remained “a largely unacknowledged field of study” (Baldacchino, 2006:5), today a number of factors directly associated with the Anthropocene are combining to increase the profile of small islands. Once peripheral small islands, atolls and archipelagos are increasingly being positioned in international debates surrounding questions of human and non-human interactions, risk, resilience, climate change, complexity, territoriality, culture, relationality, geo-politics and mobilities (Edmond and Smith, 2003; Clark, 2004; Steinberg, 2005; Gillis, 2007; Sheller, 2009; Kelman and West, 2009; Fletcher, 2011; Grydehøj, 2014; Shell, 2014). Such concerns have been recognised at a number of levels including the United Nations naming 2014 ‘The International Year of Small Island Development States’ and the holding of the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States in Samoa, June 2014. We are also witnessing the growing international prominence of the International Small Island Studies Association (ISISA).
Islands have always been sites for the emergence of new ways of conceiving the world (Gillis, 2007; Cameron, 2012); from Homer to Shakespeare and more recently Hau’ofa (1994), Glissant (1997), Brathwaite (1999) and Deleuze (2004). Today, as recent analysis surrounding ‘archipelagic thinking’ reveals (DeLoughrey, 2011; Stratford et al, 2011; Pugh, 2013; Hayward, 2012; Hay, 2013), contemporary island scholarship is raising new questions for debates about the Anthropocene and for land-locked, oceanic, relational and post-human geographies. As Alison Mountz (2014:8) recently pointed out more generally, “there are many reasons why islands are and should be of growing interest to geographers.”
This session will examine the contemporary nature of island studies against the backdrop of the Anthropocene. We seek a wide a range of papers that could address but will not be confined to the following:
· What is new about the idea of the Anthropocene for island studies and islanders? Is it useful, problematic, or otherwise?
· What work are the key concepts associated with the Anthropocene doing in island studies? How are they changing the nature of analysis, discussion and solutions to island problems?
· How do Anthropocene debates engage long-standing and recurrent themes in island studies, including but not limited to: conceptualisations of islands as paradoxical spaces of insularity and openness; island-island and island-sea relations; island independence; land-locked geographies; oceanic geographies; relational and post-human geographies? (Steinberg, 2005; Lambert et al, 2006; Deloughrey, 2011; Stratford et al, 2011; Clark and Tsai, 2012; Pugh, 2013; Anderson and Peters, 2014).
Islands, Archipelagos and the Anthropocene II: Resilience, Catastrophic Risks, Feelings, Emotions, and Affects
Resilience has become a key way of framing problems and intervening in life; from international development and security, through to community development and child psychology (Weichselgartner and Kelman 2014). There is an emerging critical literature that examines resilience and associated questions of biopower and governmentality (e.g. Duffield, 2012; Grove, 2012; Reid, 2012; Evans and Reid, 2014). Here resilience has more recently been argued to be a ‘post-liberal episteme’ and active rather than reactive response to the challenges of complex life (Chandler, 2014; Pugh, 2014).
Such concerns have important implications for Small Island Developing States (SIDS), where resilience has now become one of the key frameworks of analysis and international intervention, particularly when it comes to the role of the international development industry (Grove, 2012; Weichselgartner and Kelman 2014). Here small islands have become pivotal sites of international engagement and resilience debates, because small islands are often associated with sea-level rise, disasters, hurricanes, tsunami, large scale population migrations and displacements.
But as yet little research has examined the work that resilience does as a concept and practice to frame the affects, emotions, and feelings associated with catastrophic risks.
This session examines how resilience works as a concept, policy-making tool and practice to constitute, enclose, and define certain epistemologies of feelings, emotions, and affects while excluding, clarifying or silencing others. Although we are primarily concerned with small islands, we will consider related papers that examine the work that resilience does to frame ways of knowing about the more-than-rational, the non-representational and affect.
Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be sent to both Jonathan Pugh and Elaine Stratford by 6th February 2015. For the second session please also copy in David Chandler
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite submissions of individual paper proposals to our five-panel series at the upcoming Pan-European Conference on International Relations, 23-26 September 2015, Giardini Naxos, Sicily. Details here.
Section chairs: Delf Rothe (University of Hamburg) and David Chandler (University of Westminster)
Section Rationale
The threat of ISIS fighters gaining ground in Iraq and Syria highlights a major problem for today’s decision-makers: in a world of complexity any political intervention in the international sphere can have unintended consequences which might worsen the problems at stake or produce novel, more serious ones. Complexity seems to question the long accepted axioms of international policy-making and the conceptions of violence, agency and critique within the fields of political and social theory. Scholars of IR have approached the phenomenon of complexity from different, partly opposing angles. Some have argued for the need to rethink the ontology of international politics, developing analytical models that account for surprise, non-linearity and feed-back loops and applied these to a wide range of material phenomena from climate change to conflict. Others understand complexity as a discourse or episteme which increasingly informs the ways global risks in fields including finance, civil protection, or counter-terrorism are being governed and are often critical of complexity as a governance paradigm due to its technocratic, de-politicising nature. This proposed section brings these different voices together to discuss the impact of complexity upon the international sphere in general and upon expressions of violence in this sphere in particular. We are interested in the way complexity affects agency which seemingly becomes more distributed, flatter, and unpredictable. We would also like to explore what the stakes of complexity are with regard to methods and possibilities of critique (both enabled and foreclosed) and the limits to both inductive and deductive research methodologies.
We welcome papers that relate to one of the following themes and questions:
1. War and conflict in a world of complexity
· How do forms of violence change in a world of complexity?
· How does complexity discourse impact the Western way of war?
· How do we account for post-human violence in our approaches to security and conflict?
2. Uncertainty, anticipation and performative security
· How do security practices deal with uncertainty and complexity?
· How is anticipatory security performed by devices such as listings, algorithms, computer-models, catastrophe insurance bonds, etc?
3. Peacebuilding, complexity and the local turn
· How is complexity approached in recent practices of peacebuilding?
· Is there a post-liberal paradigm of peacebuilding and if yes, how can it be described?
4. Environmental terror: Complex climate change, disasters and resilience
· How did resilience become the dominant approach of governing disasters and environmental risks?
· How does non-linear climate change affect Western threat discourse and practices of risk-management?
· How is complexity being treated in popular representations of climate change and environmental risk?
5. “Dingpolitik” and evidence-based policy making
· What is the role of scientific evidence in governing complexity?
· What could an approach of evidence-based policy advice look like?
· Is there a shift from Realpolitik towards Dingpolitik, i.e. from political struggles over given objects towards political struggles over ontological questions and the very being of objects?
Paper proposals (max. 200 words) are to be submitted via the conference online application system:
Deadline for submissions is 15 January 2015!
If you’ve got any further questions don’t hesitate to contact us at:;
We look very much forward to receiving your proposals.
The politics of international peace building is currently undergoing changes with regards to both its conduct and theory. On the backdrop of the bankruptcy of orthodox liberal peace approaches to fragile states and conflict settings, policy makers and academics from different fields, have started to move towards a more pragmatic position with regards to the means and ends of peacebuilding. This workshop explores this new area of pragmatic approaches and International Practice Theory.
Pragmatic approaches consciously seek to go beyond the Liberal Peace paradigm. Pragmatic approaches do not assume that international interveners necessarily have the knowledge or the power to set out predefined policy goals or lead the processes of attaining them. Where Liberal Peace approaches tended to set up a discursive divide between international interveners and local groups and organisations, based on superior attributes of power, resources, knowledge and values, pragmatic approaches seek to build upon existing ‘everyday’ capacities, institutions and practices on the ground. Pragmatism, in brief, has the connotation of an anti-foundationalist approach that derives theory from practice and is grounded in actual experiences, rather than in the abstractions of normative frameworks. Rather than emphasising external resources and knowledge, these approaches start from existing capacities and understandings and seek to build upon them, to reach solutions to context-specific challenges.
This workshop seeks to explore pragmatic approaches, based upon both field research and conceptual and methodological argumentation, in order to discuss the advantages and possibilities as well as the drawbacks or limits to Pragmatic Peace and International Practice Theory.