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‘Decolonising Resilience: Rethinking ‘Local Knowledge’, Opacity and Coloniality’, E-International Relations, 5 June 2024.

Placing opacity at the centre may enable the problematisation of external projects of intervention, no matter how ‘enabling’ they set out to be.

Discussion of The World as Abyss, with Andrew Culp and the Cultural Studies Association’s Black and Race Studies Working Group, Positions, published 30 May 2024. Spotify link.

Host Shauna Rigaud discuss The World as Abyss: The Caribbean and Critical Thought in the Anthropocene (University of Westminster Press, 2023) with authors Jonathan Pugh and David Chandler. This podcast is accompanied by a scholarly commentary by Richard T. Stafford.

Discussion of The World as Abyss, Foreign Objekt, 22 January 2024. Also available on YouTube.

Please join our guest speakers Jonathan Pugh and David Chandler for the launch of their new book “The World as Abyss: The Caribbean and Critical Thought in the Anthropocene”. The authors will give a presentation discussing the book which will be followed by an open discussion.


‘The First War of the Anthropocene: Ukraine and the Struggle to “Un-Cancel the Future”‘, E-International Relations, 25 September 2023.

The Ukraine war is one of disavowal through which it is hoped the ‘idea’ of modernity, the idea of ‘Europe’, and the idea of ‘values’ can conceal their shabbier reality.

Interview/ discussion with Ashley Frawley on The Neoliberal Subject: Resilience, Adaptation and Vulnerability (my book with Julian Reid, published in 2016), Sublation Media Youtube channel. Posted 23 March 2023.


‘Expert radí, jak se stát v době krizí odolným’, interview with Lenka Kabrhelova for Podcast 5:59, Seznam Zprávy, Prague, Czech Republic, 29 December 2022.

Youtube video ‘Resilience: Seeing the Unseen’, opening keynote presentation for Facets of Resilience conference, Czech EU Presidency, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, 21 November 2022. 28 minutes in – 1.07.

‘Opinion – Political Positionality and the War in the Ukraine’, E-International Relations, 25 March 2022.

It would be nice to pretend that we still lived in a modernist world of meaningful choices, where taking sides was part of a broader grand narrative of struggle and progress.

‘Opinion – Humanitarianism and the Internationalisation of the War in Ukraine’, E-International Relations, 21 March 2022.

The internationalisation of the conflict can be destabilising because there is less pressure to find the compromises necessary for peace agreement.

‘Opinion – War in Ukraine: Why We Should Say No to International Civil Society’,  E-International Relations, 16 March 2022.

Totalizing moral binaries are particularly dangerous in the sphere of international relations, where international law lacks universal mechanisms of enforcement.

‘Opinion – The Myth of Being Anti-Racist and Anti-War in the Ukraine Conflict’, E-International Relations, 2 March 2022.

Republished ‘Opinion – The Myth of Being Anti-Racist and Anti-War in the Ukraine Conflict’, University of Westminster Difference Blog, 10 March 2022.

To refuse the discourses of war and racialization it is necessary to do more than place them in critical relation to those of anti-war and anti-racialization. Instead, we should refuse to distinguish the two.


Philosophy for our Times, Google podcast. ‘Islands and the End of Modernity’, 12 October 2021.

Whether it’s the discussion on rising sea levels or nuclear waste, islands have gravitated to the epicentre of the geopolitical zeitgeist. But why are we more interested in islands than ever before? Professor at the Centre for the Study of Democracy, David Chandler explores the importance of islands in the Anthropocene.

EISA European International Studies Association video, EISA sponsored roundtable on teaching International Relations in the Anthropocene brought together a number of authors to mark the publication of International Relations in the Anthropocene: New Agendas, New Agencies, New Approaches –  a major Palgrave MacMillan textbook initiative. Among discussants were David Chandler (University of Westminster), Franziska Muller (University of Hamburg), Anna Leander (Graduate Institute Geneva), Aysem Mert (Stockholm University), Stephanie Wakefield (Florida International University), Harshavardhan Bhat (University of Westminster). Online 15 April 2021.

YouTube video discussion of Anthropocene Islands (with Jonathan Pugh, School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University) discussing our forthcoming book, for the coffee morning, University of Westminster Arts, Communication and Culture Research Community, 12 March 2021.

Institute of Art and Ideas video, The Hypocrisy of the Good, Julian Baggini, David Chandler, Ece Temelkuran. Myriam Francois hosts. HowTheLightGetsIn Winter Revel, 20 February 2021.

From fervent socialists to devout Christians, many have sought to live by a strict moral code. Yet from the gulags to the Inquisition it has often been those with the strictest codes who have perpetrated the greatest crimes. Is this just accidental, or is there something about a strict morality that makes hypocrisy unavoidable? Should we see such terrible outcomes as a sign of the frailty of humans rather than a threat to the moral principles themselves? Or is it possible that seeking to rigorously and universally enforce any moral code blinds the adherent to the real life consequences? Should we conclude that while a framework of ‘good’ action is valuable, an attempt to subsume all human behaviour within a strict code of rules is not only impossible, but dangerous? Groundbreaking political activist and journalist Ece Temelkuran, Professor of International Relations at Westminster University David Chandler, and renowned philosopher Julian Baggini debate the importance of morality. Hosted by Myriam Francois.

Institute of Art and Ideas video, Debates & Talks: Islands and the End of Modernity,  David Chandler, HowTheLightGetsIn Winter Revel, 20 February 2021.

Whether it’s the discussion on rising sea levels or nuclear waste, islands have gravitated to the epicentre of the geopolitical zeitgeist. But why are we more interested in islands than ever before? Join Professor at the Centre for the Study of Democracy, David Chandler as he explores the importance of islands in the Anthropocene. David Chandler is Professor at the Centre for the Study of Democracy.

YouTube video of public lecture public lecture (with Jonathan Pugh, School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University) ‘Anthropocene Islands: A Critical Agenda for Ontopolitics in the Anthropocene’, for the ‘Ecology and the Metamorphosis of Modern Society’ series, University of Bonn, Germany, 27 January 2021.


Video of conference presentation (with Jonathan Pugh, School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University) ‘Anthropocene Islands: a critical agenda for resilience research’ for panel discussion on ‘Islandness and Resilience’, Researching Resilience in Islands, University of London, Birkbeck, 16-17 November. Video no.5.

Youtube video (with Jonathan Pugh, School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University) ‘Anthropocene Islands: A Critical Agenda for Island Studies’, Royal Anthropological Institute online conference, ‘Anthropology and Geography: Dialogues Past, Present and Future’, 14-18 September 2020. Presentation 3-20 minutes in.

‘Anthropocene Authoritarianism (Critique in Times of Corona)’, Critical Legal Thinking, 9 April 2020.

There has been much discussion of the biopolitics of the global response to the Coronavirus on Critical Legal Thinking and elsewhere. Many of the pieces have engaged critically with Giorgio Agamben’s interventions, polarising debate.[1] Thus, Karsten Schubert and Panagiotis Sotiris have argued contra Agamben for a ‘democratic biopolitics’ while Tim Christaens has raised the dangers of normalising new draconian powers.[2] This short piece seeks to contribute to this discussion from a slightly different angle, locating contemporary discussion and policy dilemmas in the context of the Anthropocene, understood as an epoch in which Nature or the nonhuman can no longer be easily separated from the Human sphere of governance.[3] This blurring of the biopolitical divide cuts across ‘top-down’ or ‘bottom-up’ readings of Agamben’s distinction between ‘bios’ as a way of life (culture) to be privileged and ‘zoe’ as undifferentiated life (nature) seen as expendable.

‘The Coronavirus: Biopolitics and the Rise of “Anthropocene Authoritarianism”‘, Russia in Global Affairs, 6 April 2020.

If the lesson of the global response to the Coronavirus is that humanity itself is the problem, then Anthropocene Authoritarianism looks set to pose a larger long-term challenge to our ways of life than the virus itself. With politics suspended, societies under lockdown, parliaments closed and States of Emergency in force globally (Runciman, 2020), many commentators have turned to Foucauldian-inspired understandings of biopolitics and population control to analyze contemporary events (Horvat, 2020; Agamben, 2020a; Demetri, 2020; Singh, 2020; Sotiris, 2020). Biopolitics has become a key concept in critical discourses of security governance in the last two decades (Rose, 2007; Esposito, 2008; Dillon, 2015). Deriving from the work of Foucault, at the heart of biopolitical thought is the relationship of politics to life as both the basis of governance and as an object to be secured (Foucault, 2007; 2008). For Foucault, ‘life’ was a way of articulating an ‘outside’ to the human world of politics, an outside that appeared natural but was, in fact, a malleable construct (Lemke, 2011).

‘Coronavirus and the End of Resilience’, E-International Relations, 25 March 2020.

Resilience appears to be the key policy buzzword of our times. International organizations, as diverse as the United Nations and the European Union, have now adopted resilience strategies across various policy areas – highlighted by the UN’s risk and resilience framework for its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (UN, 2017), the EU Action Plan for Resilience (European Commission, 2013), the European Union Global Strategy (EU, 2016) and other policy documents. This short piece argues that global responses to the Coronavirus appear to demonstrate that policy discourses of resilience may be one (so far, unremarked) casualty of the Coronavirus outbreak. ‘Keeping Calm and Carrying On’ is not an option. Acting normally, not panicking, not overreacting, is seen as dangerous and hubristic (Taleb et al, 2020). Being resilient will make the problems worse. Being resilient will make the virus spread. Better to close, to cancel, to restrict now, rather than to regret later.


‘Mobility in the Anthropocene’, Anthropocene Mobilities, 17 October 2019.

One thing that we are often told about the Anthropocene is that the solutions that were available in the Holocene are no longer feasible (Dryzek, 2015; Rockström, 2016). As can be seen by the contemporary problems the refugee crisis is causing EU elites and attempts by the UN and other international agencies to encourage camps for internal displacement to prevent refugee flows, migration is increasingly less likely to be seen as politically possible or to be encouraged as a form of mitigation or adaptation. The first aspect that highlights what is at stake in the shift from a modernist view of mobility in the Anthropocene is that the separations of spatial territorialisation are no longer considered paramount: ‘there is no outside’, ‘there is no “away”’ (Ghosh, 2016: 26).

‘Rethinking the Anthropocene as Carnivalocene’, Institute for Interdisciplinary Research into the Anthropocene, 18 August 2019.

‘Rethinking the Anthropocene as Carnivalocene’, E-International Relations, 11 April 2019.

Writing in the mid-1960s, Russian literary theorist and philosopher, Mikhail Bakhtin famously understood medieval carnival to reveal the truth of life’s rebelliousness against the authoritarian rule of official culture. Carnival was important to Bakhtin as it expressed an immanent liveliness that exceeded the regulatory controls of church and state and disrupted the binary hierarchies of power, distinguishing the governing and the governed, high culture from the low, and those with power from those without. Carnival was a world of freedom from external constraint: a world of immanent becoming, rather than transcendental laws: ‘Carnival is not a spectacle seen by the people; they live in it… While carnival lasts there is no life outside it. During carnival time life is subject only to its own laws, that is the laws of its own freedom.’ (Bakhtin, 2009: 7)

(with Elke Schwarz, Aaron McKeil, Mitchell Dean and Mark Duffield) ‘Datafying the Globe: Critical Insights into the Global Politics of Big Data Governance’, Essays and Provocations, Big Data and Society, 26 January 2019.

The United Nations considers the development of Big Data analytics to be key to addressing a wide range of problems from sustainable development to disaster risk reduction and conflict management. The Economist magazine argues that Big Data is now the ‘world’s most valuable resource’ – the new oil: transforming the coming era to the same extent as oil drove development in the last century. Although there is no agreed definition of Big Data, it is often framed in terms of a qualitative transformation in the volume, variety and velocity of data with the development of new digital technologies of sensing and computation, thus enabling policy-makers to see ‘reality’ rather than relying on conceptual imaginaries or wishful thinking. Finally, or so we are told, the long history of international policy failure – in areas as diverse as tackling conflict management, sustainable development or global health – could be coming to a close.


Video, ‘Resilience’, interview for the Institute for International Relations, Prague (IIR), Czernin Security Forum, Czernin Palace, Prague. Published 19 December 2018.

Video, ‘Peacebuilding and the Ontological Turn’, ‘Peacebuilding and the Crisis of Policy-making’, lecture, Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI), University of Tampere, Finland26 April 2018.

Video, ‘Cybernetics, Resilience, the Anthropocene and the Ontological Turn’, American Society for Cybernetics webinar, 13 January 2018.


Video, ‘Resilience in the Anthropocene: Governing through Mapping, Sensing and Hacking’, the Kapuscinski Development Lecture, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, 10 November 2017.

Youtube audio of conference keynote ‘Loops of Resilience & Cybernetics’, American Society of Cybernetics annual conference, Salem, Massachusetts, 10 August 2017.

Youtube video of conference keynote ‘New Wars, New (in)Securities, New Peacebuilding?’ at ‘Peace vs Security in Public Policies’, International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP), Museum of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 14 June 2017.

Youtube video of conference keynote ‘Governmentalities of the Digital: Mapping, Sensing and Hacking’ for ‘Digital Objects, Digital Subjects: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Activism, Research & Critique in the Age of Big Data Capitalism’, 6th Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Society Conference, University of Westminster, London, 20-21 May 2017.


YouTube video of panel discussion on ‘Can Big Data save the World?’, Battle of Ideas Annual Festival, Barbican Theatre, London, 17 October 2015. Posted 29 April 2016. 21 minutes in.

‘Framings of Resilience – How to Think and Act in a Complex World’, MUN (Model United Nations): Planet, April 2016.

YouTube video of ‘Marxism and New Materialism: Materialist Critique as Tragedy and Farce’, panel presentation at ‘New Materialism: Aesthetics Politics Science’, Inter-Faculty Panel Discussion – Media, Arts and Design (MAD) and Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), University of Westminster, 10 March 2016. 38 minutes in.

YouTube video of ‘Algorithmic Governance: BigData, Design, Simulation & the Smart City’, panel presentation at ‘Design after Planning: Examining the Shift from Epistemology to Topology’ conference, University of Westminster, 5 February 2016.

‘Resilience and Security’, Sage Video Experts, Politics and International Relations, Sage Knowledge (43 mins) Abstract: Professor David Chandler explains resilience as an increased emphasis on individual agency and interrelationships, as opposed to a focus on societal structures. He expresses concern that this new perspective will put an end to theorizing and trying to make the world a better place. Free access here.

‘Digital Humanitarianism’, Sage Video Shorts, Politics and International Relations, Sage Knowledge (4 mins) Abstract: Prof. David Chandler describes traditional humanitarianism as a problematic aid framework, due to its patronizing, short-term emphasis. Digital humanitarianism, in contrast, provides technological tools to troubled populations, allowing them the independence to find their own culturally appropriate solutions. Free access here.

‘Humanitarian Intervention’, Sage Video Shorts, Politics and International Relations, Sage Knowledge (5 mins) Abstract: Prof. David Chandler defines humanitarian intervention as coercive intervention to protect human rights. In the 1990s, a conflict was seen between state sovereignty and the right to protect, but now a state’s right to sovereignty is seen as hinging on effective protection of its citizens. Intervention has also moved away from high-profile, enabling acts and toward less paternalistic acts. Free access here.

‘Security Community’, Sage Video Shorts, Politics and International Relations, Sage Knowledge (3 mins). Abstract: Professor David Chandler defines a security community as a group of states that share the responsibility of security for all, as in NATO. He goes on to say that this is an outdated concept, because it is predicated on the idea of external threats. Free access here.

‘Disaster Risk Management’, Sage Video Shorts, Politics and International Relations, Sage Knowledge (3 mins). Abstract: Professor David Chandler unpacks the attitudes and beliefs that underlie the disaster risk management perspective. Free access here.


Video of my presentation on ‘Interdisciplinary Publishing and Research’ at a panel organised by Rowman & Littlefield International as part of Academic Book Week, at the Maughan Library, King’s College, London, 10 November 2015.

Video blog, ‘We lost a certain clarity of what humanitarianism was… thoughts & feedback’,
Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research, Germany, 5-7 June 2014. (published 16 August 2015)

‘Resilience: From “Bouncing Back” to “Transformation”…and Beyond’ presentation at Danish Instititute for International Studies (DIIS), Copenhagen 4 May 2015. (3mins -32mins).

‘Resilience, Disaster Risk Reduction and reflexive Governance’, podcast of University of Bradford, John & Elnora Ferguson Centre for African Studies (JEFCAS) seminar presentation, 21 January 2015.

‘The Anthropocene and the Post-Human Condition’, panel presentation (51 minutes in), ‘The Anthropocene: Cities, Politics, Law as Geological Agents’, joint seminar, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities and Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment, University of Westminster, 25 November 2014. Youtube, posted 14 January 2015.

Comments for ‘Mark Zuckerberg fait exploser les ventes d’un livre qu’il a mal lu’, France24, 6 January 2015.


Studio guest, ‘World Insight’, China Central TV, Camden Lock studios, London, 26 December 2014.

‘Resilience: The Governance of Complexity’, Youtube video of presentation and discussion on my latest book, Leeds Salon, 17 November 2014.

Interview ‘The Problem with Citizenship Education’ at Networking European Citizenship Education (NECE) conference ‘1914-2014: Lessons from History? Citizenship Education and Conflict Management’, 16-18 October 2014, Vienna.

‘Human Rights: From Universalism to Pragmatism, openDemocracy, 7 August 2014

‘Author of the Month Interview’, Routledge Politics, June 2014University ofWestminster News and Events Link

‘Peace Studies: Between Realism and Critical Security Studies’ roundtable presentation, Peace Studies @40 Conference, University of Bradford, 3 May 2014. (video, 35-46 mins)

‘Crimea and Kosovo/Bosnia: Interview with George Galloway MP’, Sputnik, Russia Today, 22 March 2014


‘Interview with David Chandler and Thomas Weiss’, Institute of International Relations, Pontifical Catholic University (PUC), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 10 December 2013

‘Rethinking the “Opening” of the Social Sciences’, presentation notes for Social Sciences and the Humanities Faculty Launch: ‘The State of the Disciplines: The Future of the Social Sciences and the Humanities in the UK’, University of Westminster, 4 December 2013

‘Peacebuilding after the End of Power’, (audio file) International Association for Peace and Conflict Studies annual conference, opening keynote, University of Manchester, 12 September 2013.

‘Resilience: International Policies, Practices and Discourses’, interview for Taylor & Francis promotional video for the new international peer reviewed journal, 2 September 2013.

‘Danke, Krise!’, The European Magazine, 2 April 2013. Die Politik ist nicht mehr in der Lage, aus freien Stücken und Überzeugungen zu Entscheidungen zu finden. Da erweist sich eine Krise als nützlich, um Regierungen mit Programmen zu versorgen.

‘Globale Kooperation: Voraussetzung für die Zukunft des Planeten’, Die Zeit, 15 February 2013. Globale Zusammenarbeit ist nicht von vornherein positiv oder sinnvoll. Wir brauchen eine klare Vorstellung davon, welche Probleme wir eigentlich lösen wollen.

‘Democracy, Visibility and Resistance’, (audio file) 3rd Käte Hamburger Lecture, Centre for Global Cooperation Research, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, 6 February 2013.


‘Foucault, Resistance and Hidden Agency’, Plato’s Cave (Humanitarian and Conflict Research Institute blog), 7 December 2012.

‘Democracy: From Public Reason to Personal Ethics’, (Youtube video) panel presentation, ‘The Promise of Democracy’ conference, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Westminster, London, 3 November, 2012. (I am speaking 39-54 minutes in).

Presentation at roundtable panel discussion ‘Ensuring Justice Through the ICC: Has the Original Mandate Been Achieved?’, international conference ‘Building Restorative International Justice’, Royal Commonwealth Society, London, 18 May 2012. Chaired by David Hoile, Director, European Sudanese Council, with Hon. Lady Justice Sophia A. B. Akuffo, Vice President, African Court on Human and People’s Rights; Stephen Chan, OBE, Professor of International Relations, SOAS; Hans Kochler, Chair of Political Philosophy, University of Innsbruck; and Carla Ferstman, Director, REDRESS. (Link above (Part 2), I am speaking 26-31 minutes in). Click here for responses to questions (Part 3) (I am speaking 20-23 minutes in).

‘Rethinking the Shift to the Social’, (Youtube video) panel debate with Dominik Zaum (University of Reading) at the Post-Graduate Conference, ‘The Social and the Political in Discourses of State-building’, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Westminster, London, 27 April 2012.

‘Human Security and Post-Intervention: The Case of Libya’, P@X Online Bulletin, Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, No.19, March 2012, pp.2-4. (Also available in the same issue, Sarah da Mota, ‘David Chandler and the Thinking on the Human Subject’)

‘Steinchen auf Steinchen’, The European Magazine, 13 March 2012. Erwartungsmanagement gehört zu den Primärtugenden in der Politik. Das gilt auch für den Wiederaufbau unseres fiktiven Landes Post-Revolutien. 20 Jahre autokratischer Regierungsführung haben Spuren hinterlassen, die man nur mithilfe internationaler Zusammenarbeit und offener Kommunikation beseitigen kann. Unerfüllbare Versprechen helfen dabei niemandem.

‘From Cosmopolitan Democracy to Post-Humanism’, Lecture Two, (Youtube video) lecture delivered for the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Westminster, 9 March 2012.

‘The Three Hurdles of Democratic Transition’, op-ed, The European Magazine, 8 March 2012. In the fictional country of Postrevolutia, change is in the air. In order to ensure the peaceful transition from an authoritarian past towards a democratic future, expectations must be managed carefully. Debate on ‘The Long Aftermath of Revolution’ with Rosa Brooks, Georgetown University and Robert Rotberg, Harvard University.

‘From Cosmopolitan Democracy to Post-Humanism’, Lecture One, (Youtube video) lecture delivered for the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Westminster, 2 March 2012.

‘Critiques of Liberal Peace’, (video) presentation at the book launch of A Liberal Peace? The Problems and Practices of Peacebuilding, with co-editor Meera Sabaratnam, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Westminster, 14 February 2012.

‘Tolerance and Moral Independence’, (Youtube video) in discussion with Professor Frank Furedi, on his latest book, On Tolerance, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Westminster, 2 February 2012.

‘Old wine in a new bottle? Democratisation lessons from Afghanistan and Iraq in the Arab Spring’s Libya’, (video) panel with Iwan Morgan (Professor of United States Studies, ISA), Adam Quinn (Lecturer in International Studies, Department of Political Science and International Studies, Birmingham University) and Matthew Alan Hill (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, ISA), Institute for the Study of the Americas, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 19 January 2012. (My presentation is at 38 – 55 minutes)

‘Republika Srpska: Fundamental Pillar of the Bosnian State’, short version of interview with Danijela Dzeletovic, Republika Srpksa News Agency (SRNA), 17 January 2012. Serbian version available here (pages 5-6).

‘Human Rights and International Law Ten Years after Guantanamo’, with Rob Freer, Amnesty International, Anthony Dworkin, European Council on Foreign Relations and Alexander Ngorny in Moscow, chaired by James Reinl, Voice of Russia radio, broadcast 10 January 2012 (Part 1) (Part 2).


‘David Chandler: The High Representative: Irresponsible Ruler who does not want to go’, Glas Serpske, (Bosnia), 19-21 November 2011, pp. 4-5. Hard copy PDFs: front page, page 4; page 5.

‘Libya: The End of Intervention’, e-International Relations editorial, 17 November 2011. Without Western responsibility for the outcome of the intervention in Libya and without any transformative promise, Western powers were strengthened morally and politically through their actions, whereas in Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq, they were humbled and often humiliated.

Reprinted in ‘The Responsibility to Protect: Challenges & opportunities in light of the Libyan intervention’, E-International Relations, 21 November 2011, edited by Alex Stark. With contributions from many of the world’s most respected R2P experts and practitioners, this compendium of pieces from e-IR attempts to draw attention to the major points of contention that have been highlighted by the Libyan intervention. PDF available here.

‘High Representative to be Removed First’, News Agency of BiH/Republika Srpska (SRNA), 14 November 2011. Serbian version here.

‘The Citizen and Social Equality’, (video), presentation for roundtable discussion on ‘New Trends in Democratic Theory’, University of Westminster, Politics and International Relations Residential Weekend, Caer Llan, Monmouthshire, 5 November 2011.

‘Dominion and the Contested Idea of Development’, (video), debate, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Westminster, 13 October 2011.

‘Assessing the Impact of 9/11: Ten Years on’, (video), roundtable, Department of Politics and International Relatons, University of Westminster, 6 October 2011.

‘9/11 and the Reconstitution of Order and Meaning’, Westminster’s International Relations Blog, posted 1 October 2011. Reposted on University of St. Andrews, Plato’s Cave blog, 6 October 2011.

Interview comments in Jason Walsh, ‘Why the ICC likely won’t charge pope over Catholic Church sex abuses’, The Christian Science Monitor, 15 September 2011.

‘Responses to the England Riots’, interview for ‘People in the Know’, China Radio International, 16 August 2011.

‘Debating Democracy’, Iconoclasts, BBC Radio 4, 10 August 2011 (repeated 13 August 2011). Chaired by Edward Stourton, panellist with Gordon Graham, Professor of Philosophy and the Arts at Princeton Theological Seminary, Edward Lucas (European Editor of The Economist), Professor Robert Hazell (Director of the Constitution Unit at University College London), 10 August 2011.

‘Libya and the International Criminal Court’, studio interview, Sky Radio News, 19 June 2011.

‘Colonel Gadaffi and International Criminal Court’, studio interview, Sunrise, Sky News, 19 June 2011.

‘Ratko Mladic’s Arrival at The Hague’, live commentary as former Bosnian Serb General arrives in The Hague from Rotterdam, Sky News, 31 May 2011.

‘Should we Intervene?: Debate about Sri Lanka and Libya’, studio discussion with George Grant (Henry Jackson Society), chaired by Khrishnum Guru-Murthy, Channel 4 News, 20 April 2011.

‘Why the Bombing of Libya cannot Herald a Return to the 1990s Era of Humanitarian Intervention’, reproduced on Monthly Review MRZine, 19 April 2011. On 4 April 2011, when David Chandler’s essay below was first published in e-IR, French and UN forces intervened in Ivory Coast on behalf of Alassane Ouattara and his forces, eventually deposing President Laurent Gbagbo on 11 April 2011. Humanitarian pretexts were offered for that intervention, but rather perfunctorily, almost as an afterthought to the dominant theme of good governance. Both the material basis and ideology of sovereignty may have withered to the point that imperialists no longer require any moral crusade against it. Today it may be said that sovereignty is an exception, not the norm, ideologically defended by few nations (usually only in defense of themselves), materially exercised by fewer still. — Ed.

‘There’s Nothing “Good” about the War in Libya’, Spiked-Online, 19 April 2011. An international relations expert says there’s no going back to the so-called ‘good interventions’ of the 1990s.

‘Why the Bombing of Libya cannot Herald a Return to the 1990s Era of Humanitarian Intervention’, e-International Relations, editorial, 4 April 2011.

‘The Problematic of Control in a ‘Global’ World’, (podcast) presentation at ‘Control and the Global’ panel at the ‘Taking Control’ conference, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 12 March 2011.

‘Resilience: Friend or Foe?’, (video) presentation at a Round Table featuring leading scholars in the field debating the pitfalls and opportunities of resilience as a governance strategy today, University of Westminster, 24 February 2011.

‘The Ontology of Danger: Recasting the Human Subject in Discourses of Vulnerability and Reslience’, (podcast) presentation at ‘Ontologisations of Danger’ at the ‘Problematising Danger’ workshop, King’s College London, 21-22 February 2011.


‘Tašna Hilari Klinton: Uterivanje dijaloga’, comments on Hillary Clinton’s visit to Belgrade and Pristina, NIN (Belgrade), 14 October 2010, pp.10-13.

‘Medunarodna Zajednica Bez Vizije Za Bi’ interview with Danka Savic in Slobodna Bosna (Sarajevo), 14 October 2010, pp.38-40. Available here in three files: p.38, p.39 and p.40.

‘Promovohet libri “Ngritja e qeverisjes postliberale”‘, Bota Sot (Pristina), 2 September 2010, p.27. Review of book launch of International Statebuilding: The Rise of Post-Liberal Governance at the National Library Auditorium, Pristina.

Homepage photo illustrates Zoe Corbyn’s feature ‘All about me, dot com’ on academic’s personal websites, Times Higher Education, 19 August 2010, pp.37-39.

Interview comments in Bruno Waterfield, ‘Baroness Ashton moves to take control in Bosnia’, Daily Telegraph, 27 July 2010.

‘Flouting International Law: International pressure on Serbia not to start a new debate about the status of Kosovo and the possible diplomatic strategy of Serbia after the ICJ decision’ (interview in Serbian), NIN (Belgrade), 1 July 2010.

‘The EU and Post-Liberal Governance’, presentation at the conference (video), ‘Europe in the Emerging World Order: Searching for a New Paradigm’, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, 25 March 2010.

Comments in Rebecca Attwood and Sarah Cunnane, ‘#loveHE: A big step into the grown-up world’, Times Higher Education, 11 March 2010, pp.34-41.

‘Fragile States and the International Community’, panel discussion from Chatham House conference ‘Fragile States and the International Community’, for BBC Radio 4, The World Tonight programme, with Robin Lustig, Francesc Vendrell, former UN and EU Special Representative in Afghanistan and Ginny Hill who runs the Yemen Forum at Chatham House. BBC Radio 4, The World Tonight, 22 February 2010.


‘”Good Governance” and the Limits to Statebuilding in Bosnia’, World Politics Review, Features section: ‘The Practices and Policies of Nationbuilding’, 8 December 2009.

‘Crisis – What Crisis? Launching What is Radical Politics Today‘, panel discussion (podcast) with Doreen Massey and Saskia Sassen, hosted by Counterpoint at the British Council, 25 November 2009. 

‘What is Radical Politics Today’, interview with Catherine Fieschi, Director of Counterpoint (the think tank of the British Council), 25 November 2009.

‘Radovan Karadzic and War Crimes’ (podcast) expert witness, Moral Maze, BBC Radio 4, 28 October 2009. Programme details from BBC.

Interview comments in Nick Collins, ‘Karadzic appeals for trial delay’, The Telegraph, 30 September 2009.

‘Conflito Ético: Escândalo britânico reabre a polêmica sobre os parâmetros morais das relações entre países’, interview in O Globo (Brazil daily), 13 September 2009.

‘The Politics of the Environment and the ‘Radicalisation’ of State Institutions’, Radical Politics Today, May 2009.

‘This matters greatly to our public opinion’, Spiked-Online, 6 April 2009. Widespread opposition to a proposed Afghan law is less about liberating women than shoring up Western authority.

‘Blaming Karzai for the West’s failures’, Spiked-Online, 25 March 2009. It is not the Afghan PM’s corruption that has wrecked Afghanistan, but the disarray of the invading powers.

‘Between the Headlines’, Press TV, 16 January 2009. Discussion on major newspaper’s headlines with Alyssa McDonald, New Statesman, and Joseph Harker, Guardian.

‘Bosnian War Crimes Chamber may fail to encourage postwar reconciliation’, Jurist, 12 January 2009.


Comments in Simon Jennings, ‘Pocar: Extension to Tribunal Mandate Likely’, Institute for War and Peace Reporting, 18 November 2008.

‘Bosnian Powder Keg?’, BBC World Service, 22 October 2008. Response to Paddy Ashdown and Richard Holbrooke piece in that day’s Guardian newspaper.

‘National Security, Proscription and Foreign Policy – War on Terror, New World Order’, (video), lecture for CAMPACC, Statewatch, Haldane Society, Birkbeck, University of London, 21 October 2008.

‘British forces: a token army of occupation’, Spiked-Online, 14 October 2008. The Iraqi PM’s attack on Britain’s lack of commitment in Basra has shot a hole in the government’s ‘Iraq Story’.

‘The “Bosnian model” is no model for Georgia’, Spiked-Online, 15 September 2008. Turning sections of the Caucasus into international protectorates will not deliver anything like democracy.

‘Georgia: Russia’s first “Western-style” war’, Spiked-Online, 28 August 2008. Far from the Russian Bear reasserting its Great Power, its foreign policy, like Britain and America’s, is uncertain and erratic.

‘”Svet” ne može da se nadoknadi globalizacijom’, Plave Strane, Danas (Belgrade), 12-13 July 2008. Kostas Duzinas i Dejvid Čendler o “svetskoj vlasti”, EU, Balkanu, vanzemaljcima.

‘G8 summit: a global displacement activity’, Spiked-Online, 8 July 2008. Western governments’ desire to globalise big issues – from poverty to climate change – is an attempt to escape real responsibility for policymaking.

Comments in Michał Potocki, ‘Serbia o krok od Europy’, Dziennik (Poland), 13 May.

‘Turkey’s Relations with the Balkans’, interviews with TRT 1 (Turkish State Television), Zaman Newspaper (Istanbul), Bulgarian National Television and MillîGazete (Istanbul), Tekirdağ, Turkey, 24 April 2008.

‘Humanising Haditha’, Spiked-Online, 18 March 2008. By showing all sides as victims of war, Nick Broomfield’s Battle for Haditha can only find ‘common humanity’ in our ability to suffer.

‘IA Forum Interview: Professor David Chandler’, International Affairs Forum, Centre for International Relations, Washington D.C., 17 March 2008. IA-Forum speaks with Professor Chandler about Western interventions in the name of democracy promotion. By Katharine Slocombe.

‘What’s Next for Kosovo and Serbia?’, studio interview, CNN, 22 February 2008.

‘After the Serbian elections’, studio interview, Four Corners, Press TV, 4 February 2008.

‘After the Serbian elections’, interview with Radio Netherlands Worldwide, 4 February 2008.

‘Why Karzai was right to reject Ashdown’, Spiked-Online, 29 January 2008. He relished his role as colonial overlord in Bosnia, so it’s not surprising the Afghans don’t want Paternalistic Paddy anywhere near their country.

‘Keeping humanity secure?’, Spiked Review of Books, Issue No.9, January 2008. The new focus on ‘human security’ in the debate about international relations suggests there should be an even more meddlesome form of policing of other states’ affairs. No thanks.

‘Is the UN a Waste of Time?’, panel debate, hosted by Andrew Gilligan (view programme), with Hazel Smith, programme advisor to the UN World Food Programme (North Korea) and professor in international relations at Warwick University and Sarah Lesniewski, senior project officer for the Women’s Budget Group and member of the Fawcett Society. Forum, Press TV, 20 January 2008.

‘Kosovo’s Declaration of Dependence’, Spiked-Online, 15 January 2008. Hashim Thaci, one-time guerrilla turned PM of Kosovo, has promised to break away from Serbia. It’s independence, Jim, but not as we know it.

‘Britain’s key weapon in Afghanistan: the bribe’, Spiked-Online, 3 January 2008. In allegedly trying to buy off a local Taliban leader, British officials have shown a haughty and colonial disregard for the Afghan government.


‘Britain’s theatrical war against the Taliban’, Spiked-Online, 11 December 2007. British troops are not fighting the ‘good fight’ in Afghanistan; they are hiding behind US airpower and taking towns from weak forces.

‘Warum hasst Gordon Brown Politik?’, Novo Magazin, No.91/92 (Nov 2007 – Feb 2008), pp.18-19. David Chandler über den Skeptizismus der Politiker bezüglich politischer Veränderungen.

‘The high representative for Bosnia still runs it like a feudal fiefdom’, Guardian, 20 November 2007. Bosnia’s political crisis is the result of EU intervention, not action by Russia or the Serbs, says David Chandler. (Guardian Letters – responses from Frane Maroevic, Director of communications, Office of the high representative and EU special representative, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Professor Martin Shaw,
University of Sussex).

‘What about democracy for Bosnia?’, Spiked-Online, 6 November 2007. Western commentators fret about dictatorships in Burma and Pakistan yet turn a blind eye to the EU’s colonial rule in ‘over-emotional’ Bosnia.

‘The Bosnian Crisis’, interview with Audrey Carville, Europe Today, BBC World Service, 2 November 2007.

‘Brown gives a whole new meaning to “liberty”‘, Spiked-Online, 29 October 2007. The British PM treats freedom as a stuffy British tradition, through which he might ‘connect’ with an atomised public. Thomas Jefferson he ain’t.

‘Chandler: Umjesto da izvozi demokratiju, EU izvozi birokratiju’, Bosnia-Herzegovina Federal News Agency, 28 October 2007.

Comments in Ceri Dingle, ‘Africa Strand’, Battle in Print, in association with the Battle of Ideas, London, 27-28 October 2007.

‘What Future for Britain’s “Ethical” Foreign Policy?’ Debate with Alan Mendoza, Battle in Print, in association with the Battle of Ideas, London, 27-28 October 2007.

‘Worldview: The Petraeus Report’, Alan Mendoza of The Henry Jackson Society is joined by Prof. David Chandler of the Centre for the Study of Democracy at the University of Westminster, Paul Smyth, head of the Aerospace and Information Studies Programme at the RUSI, and James Denselow of the Council for Arab-British Understanding. Following the findings of the Petraeus Report, released last week, Alan and guests discuss whether this is just a case of “plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose” and ask what it will mean for the strategy in Iraq. Worldview, 18 Doughty Street TV, 20 September 2007.

‘France is now more gung-ho than America’, Spiked-Online, 18 September 2007. As he threatens war on Iran, French foreign minister Bernard Kouchner is living up to spiked’s warning that he is ‘the most dangerous man in Europe’.

Comments in Branka Trivić, ‘Strains Tell within Europe over Kosovo’, BIRN (Balkans Investigative Reporting Network), 12 September 2007.

‘Reviving the idea of the “good war”‘, Spiked-Online, 12 September 2007. The French and British governments are cynically using and abusing the situation in Kosovo to try to resurrect support for liberal imperialism.

‘Rizici unilateralnog priznanja’, interview with Branka Trivić, Radio Free Europe, 23 August 2007. David Chandler, profesor međunarodnih odnosa na londonskom Westminster univerzitetu ističe u intervjuu za Radio Slobodna Evropa da bi uniltarelano priznanje nezavisnosti Kosova izazvalo podele u regionu. U intervjuu koji sledi Chandler najpre odgovara na pitanje kako bi Evropska unija reagovala ako bi došlo do unilateralnog priznanja Kosova.

‘Why does Gordon Brown hate politics?’, Spiked-Online, 13 August 2007. A new book suggests that it is politicians’ own low horizons and scepticism about political change that leads to apathy amongst the masses.

‘David Cameron’s Rwandan distraction’, Spiked-Online, 25 July 2007. Why the Tory leader prefers to pontificate about poverty 4,000 miles away rather than tackle problems in his constituency: washed-out Witney.

‘The White Liberal Democrat’s Burden’, Spiked-Online, 28 June 2007. Paddy Ashdown may have been a failed politician in Britain, but the former Lord of Bosnia now fancies himself as a free-floating colonialist who can fix the world’s problems.

‘Politics as Religion’, CSD Bulletin, Vol.14, No.s 1 & 2, (Summer 2007), pp.23-25.

‘The Death of Foreign Policy’, Spiked-Online, 13 June 2007. What will foreign policy be like under Gordon Brown, or David Cameron? Similar to what it was like under Blair: a desperate search for purpose overseas.

‘International Tribunals: Not fit for purpose’, Spiked-Online, 6 June 2007. Former Liberian president Charles Taylor refused to turn up to his trial in The Hague this week, claiming the court was a sham. He has a point.

‘Olympic Boycott? Will the US Boycott the Olympics ?’, Asia2025.net, 2 June 2007. We first examine Darfur as well as the Western campaigns that have recently focused on Africa that are pleading with audiences to care. We ask a very impressive David Chandler, Professor of International Relations at the University of Westminster in London, his view of the campaigns.

‘Serbia and Europe: who’s ruling who?’, Spiked-Online, 16 May 2007. Many are shocked that Serbia has been made president of the Council of Europe, yet they turn a blind eye to the EU’s blackmail of elected Serb politicians.

‘The Attraction of Post-Territorial Politics: Ethics and Activism in the International Sphere’ (The Inaugural Lecture of Professor David Chandler, University of Westminster, 2 May 2007, unpublished PDF).

‘What next: Eco-imperialism?’, Spiked-Online, 19 April 2007. The British government is making dubious links between climate change and conflict in an attempt to boost its moral authority in global affairs.

‘Empire in Denial: From Bosnia to Iraq’, Conflict IN FOCUS, Regional Centre on Conflict Prevention, Jordanian Institute of Diplomacy, Issue 18, April 2007, pp.2-4.

‘All “quiet” on the Middle Eastern front’, Spiked-Online, 27 March 2007. Britain has been loudly demonising Iran for months. Why has it quietened down now that the Iranians have seized 15 British troops?

‘Zimbabwe: Talking up a Revolution’, Spiked-Online, 22 March 2007. Western governments are using the myth of a strong internal opposition to Mugabe’s regime to conceal their own weakness.

‘Experts + Opinions: David Chandler’, interview with Will Parkhouse, Total:Spec magazine, issue 18, March 2007, pp.30-33.

‘Kosovo gains independence – again?’, Spiked-Online, 6 February 2007. Under the guise of granting sovereignty, the UN is dumping responsibility for its mess in Kosovo on to the European Union.

Comments in Bruno Waterfield, ‘EU plans far-reaching “genocide denial” law’, Daily Telegraph, 2 February 2007.

‘Forcing Africans to “adapt” to poverty’, Spiked-Online, 1 February 2007. By blaming climate change for Africa’s problems, green groups have become apologists for inequality and underdevelopment.


‘Moral-Poker im Mittleren Osten’, Novo Magazin, No.85, pp.40-41, November/December 2006. Die Hasenfüßigkeit europäischer Nahostpolitik zeigt, dass die Verfechter westlicher Einmischungspolitik den Glauben an sich selbst verloren haben.

‘Beyond the “Axis of Evil”: New Threats to International Security’, studio discussion with Alan Mendoza, Worldview, 18 Doughty Street TV, 21 November 2006.

‘Narcystyczne gry Unii Europejskiej’ interview with Dariusz Rosiak, Rzeczpospolita, (Warsaw), 16 November 2006.

‘Setting the Poles apart: EU and CIA Rendition Flights’, Spiked-Online, 13 November 2006. What does the European Union do when accused of collaborating with the CIA on human rights abuses? Blame Poland.

Nezavisnost Kosovu neće doneti više autonomije’, interview with Branka Trivić, Radio Free Europe, 9 November 2006.

‘Bosna: čija je, u stvari, to država?’, PulsDemocratije (Sarajevo), 3 November 2006. Evropska unija poriče svoju nedemokratsku dominaciju nad ovom sićušnom balkanskom republikom. (Članak Davida Chandlera prenosimo sa stranice Spiked Online, gdje je objavljen 20. aprila 2006. ali za situaciju u BiH nije izgubio značaj. Zahvaljujemo se autoru i izdavaču na dozvoli za objavljivanje ovog članka u Pulsu demokratije.)

‘Ustav Srbije neće uticati na status Kosova’, interview with Dragan Štavljanin, Radio Free Europe, 31 October 2006.

‘Dejvid Čendler o statusu Kosova’, BBC Serbia, 26 October 2006. Dejvid Čandler, profesor medjunarodnih odnosa na Vetsminsterskom univerzitetu u Londonu i autor knjige “Od Kosova do Avganistana- ljudska prava i humanitarne intervencije” procenjuje da će za Kosovo biti nadjena formula koja će zadovoljiti i Putina i Buša i EU.

‘Aid: More about aiding the West than the Rest’, Spiked-Online, 25 October 2006. Two new books by former World Bank officials argue that aid to Africa is driven by gesture and narcissism rather than concern for the poor.

Nuclear Proliferation: North Korea and Iran’, studio discussion, Al-Jazeera International, 6 October 2006.

‘Čandler: Politika u BiH teatar’, BBC Serbia, 3 October 2006. U prvim komentarima izbora u Bosni i Hercegovini, svetske agencije iznose zabrinutost tamošnjih posmatrača oko njene budućnosti.

‘Whose Kosovo is it Anyway’, Spiked-Online, 3 October 2006. The Serb government’s restated claim over Kosovo was more a symbolic gesture than ‘war talk’.

‘Moral Grandstanding in the Middle East’, Spiked-Online, 1 September 2006. The EU and UN want to make political mileage out of the Israel-Lebanon crisis, while avoiding taking political responsibility for it.

‘Muslim Perspectives on British Foreign Policy, interview for ‘Ummah Talk’, Islam Channel TV, 18 July 2006.

‘Saving Africa? A Year on from the G8’, panel discussion with Vincent Magombe, playwright and activist, and Tom Sharman, Action Aid, Saturday Extra, Sky News, 15 July 2006.

‘After the Mexico Elections: Divided States?’, studio interview, CNN International, 5 July 2006.

‘Make Lecturing Africa History’, Spiked-Online, 3 July 2006. A year on from Live 8, Bob, Bono and the rest seem more concerned with bashing African governments than helping African people.

‘Setting up a New Journal’, BISA News (Newsletter of the British International Studies Association), July 2006, pp.7-8.

‘Fra Terrorismo E Guerra’, Interview, La Provincia, 15 May 2006. Il grande inganno della guerra buona Dalla Bosnia all’Iraq, gli Usa e i partner occidentali compensano con l’azione l’assenza di progettualità Lo studioso britannico Chandler analizza questa forma di imperialismo deresponsabilizzata e pericolosa.

‘Bosnia: Whose State is it Anyway?’, Spiked-Online, 20 April 2006. The European Union is in denial about its undemocratic domination of this tiny Balkan republic.

‘Saddam’s trial: playing the genocide card’, Spiked-Online, 11 April 2006. The coalition is trying to win back some moral authority in Iraq by uttering the G-word.

‘Zehn Jahre nach Dayton: Wer regiert Bosnien?’, Novo Magazin, No.81, March/April 2006, p. 53.

‘State-Building in Africa: Empowerment by Imposition’, Spiked Essays, 7 March 2006. By focusing on ‘capacity-building’ and ’empowerment’, international institutions seek to evade responsibility for their continued domination over African affairs.

‘Serbia, War Crimes and EU Accession’, Spiked-Online, 2 March 2006. Serbia is currently charged with genocide, under pressure to hand over General Mladic, and up for membership of the EU. What’s going on?

‘Das Reinwaschen der Sieger’, Novo Magazin, No.80, January/February 2006, p. 27


‘Globalaktivisten: Politik nicht von dieser Welt’, Novo Magazin, No.79, November/ December 2005, p. 38.

Ten Years on Who’s Running Bosnia?’, Spiked-Online, 23 November 2005. The only people freed up by Bosnia’s ‘democratic’ reforms will be EU administrators.

‘Media coverage of the Saddam Trial’, studio interview, Al-Jazeera, 26 October 2005.

‘How “State-Building” Weakens States’, Spiked Essays, 24 October 2005. The new focus on the international community’s ‘responsibility to protect’ failing states is external meddling by another name.

‘Saddam Trial: Whose Demons are They Anyway?’, Spiked-Online, 20 October 2005. The coalition is focusing on Saddam’s crimes of 23 years ago in order to disclaim responsibility for present failures.

‘Kosovo Developments’, studio interview, CNN International, 6 October 2005.

‘Srebrenica: Salz auf die Wunden des Krieges’, Novo Magazin, No.78, September/October 2005, p.54. Das Versprechen der internationalen Gemeinschaft, in Bosnien Gerechtigkeit zu üben, hat Hürden für die Versöhnung geschaffen.

‘UN: Rhetoric without Responsibility’, Spiked-Online, 16 September 2005. Today’s United Nations is little more than a bloated international think-tank.

‘A Step Back for Democracy in Iraq’, Spiked-Online, 17 August 2005. In all the wrangling about the constitution, the one group nobody is consulting is the Iraqi people.

‘Srebrenica: Prolonging the Wounds of War’, Spiked-Online, 20 July 2005. The international community’s promise of justice in Bosnia has erected a barrier to reconciliation.

‘Saddam Trial: A Weak Case for War’, Spiked-Online, 7 July 2005. Western powers look to lawyers when they run out of political arguments.

‘Going Global?’, CSD Bulletin, Vol.21, No.2, Summer 2005, pp.1-2, 20.

‘Rough Justice, EU-Style’, Spiked-Online, 1 April 2005. By forcing countries to trade alleged war criminals for accession rights, the EU puts politics at the heart of the Hague Tribunal.

‘Kofi Annan and UN Reform’, studio discussion, Today Programme, BBC Radio 4, 30 March 2005.

‘The War Crimes Tribunal at the Hague’, Co-op Radio, Vancouver, Canada, 25 March 2005.

‘Security and Liberty’, studio discussion, BBC News 24, 18 February 2005.

Celebrities “selling” a good cause’, studio discussion with Matthew Paris and Wivina Belmonte (UNICEF), Outlook, BBC World Service, 3 February 2005.

‘The Return of Trusteeship’, Spiked-Online, 3 February 2005. Three new books consider trusteeship and other remedies for ‘failed states’.

‘Can the West protect itself against terror without compromising the freedoms it has so long defended?’, expert witness, studio discussion, Moral Maze, BBC Radio 4, 2 February 2005.


'Bosnia's Paddy Ashdown: A Marginal Figure Without Limits', NIN [Belgrade], 12 December 2004, p. 11.‘Bosnia’s Paddy Ashdown: A Marginal Figure Without Limits’, NIN (Belgrade), 12 December 2004, p. 11.

‘Do we have a moral responsibility to Africa?’, Moral Maze, BBC Radio 4, 1 December 2004.

Comments in Kent Harris, ‘As U.S. forces leave, experts debate success of Bosnia mission’, Stars and Stripes, 28 November 2004.

‘Why the North East Assembly went South’, Spiked-Online, 9 November 2004. A vote against too many politicians, too few powers, or what?

‘Going Global: The Politics of Another Planet’, Spiked Essays, 1 September 2004. Are the ‘new global movements’ advancing a radical agenda – or just retreating from politics?

‘Building Bridges in Bosnia’, Spiked-Online, 28 July 2004. Reconciliation ceremonies sponsored by the UN won’t heal Bosnia’s ethnic divisions. David Chandler reports from Mostar.

‘The Loaded Scales of “International Justice”‘, Spiked-Online, 29 June 2004. Trials and tribulations at the International Criminal Court.

‘Making the Geopolitical Personal’, Spiked-Online, 16 June 2004. Anti-globalisation author Paul Kingsnorth seems more interested in self-discovery than radical politics.

‘Passing the Buck in Iraq’, Spiked-Online, 28 May 2004. Bush and Blair are ‘transferring sovereignty’ to shirk responsibility for the consequences of their actions.

‘Kosovo: Building a “Multi-Ethnic” Tinderbox’, Spiked-Online, 24 March 2004. Ethnic turmoil in Kosovo is the result of five years of UN and NATO meddling.

‘Balancing’ Liberty and Security, Spiked-Online, 4 February 2004. The UK home secretary’s proposal for ‘pre-emptive justice’ to deal with potential terrorists shows how fear undermines freedom.

‘Rigging Other Countries’ Votes’, Spiked-Online,14 January 2004. OSCE monitors now deem elections ‘irregular’ if people vote for the ‘wrong’ parties.


‘BBC intervju: “Ključni problem Dejtonskog sporazuma je u tome što je nametnut od spolja”‘, BBC World Service Serbian, 18 December 2003.

‘The European Union and Governance in the Balkans’, European Balkan Observer, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2003.

‘The Tyranny of Law’, Spiked-Online, 9 September 2003. The lessons of Bosnia for Iraq? That the ‘rule of law’ cannot be imposed from without.

‘The UN – Just There to Help’, Spiked-Online,  22 August 2003. The Baghdad terrorist attack led to a remarkable rewriting of the history of the UN’s role in Iraq.

‘Democratic Deficits’, studio discussion, Analysis, BBC Radio 4, 21 August 2003. Further reading here.

‘Cosmopolitan Paradox’, CSD Bulletin, Vol.10, No.2, Summer 2003, pp.12-14.

‘What Kinnock did next ‘, Spiked-Online, 10 June 2003. Why are Western politicians restyling themselves as global advocates for those ‘without a voice’?

‘Shielding Themselves from Politics’, Spiked-Online, 4 March 2003. The human shield movement looks more like ethical tourism than solidarity.

‘Stopping Asylum before it Starts’, Spiked-Online, 19 February 2003. The right to asylum in the UK is being transformed into the West’s right to intervene abroad.

‘Internationaler Strafgerichtshof’, Novo Magazin, No.61-62, November 2002–February 2003. Das Ringen um Ausnahmeregelungen zeigt: Die Hoffnung auf internationale Gerechtigkeit ist unbegründet.


‘Coward’s war in Yemen’, Spiked-Online, 22 November 2002. The CIA doesn’t know if it got its al-Qaeda man – because it wasn’t there.

‘Law in disorder’, Spiked-Online, 19 September 2002. UN involvement in the Iraq campaign neither makes war less likely, nor more ‘legitimate’.

‘Jack Straw’s colonial discourse’, Spiked-Online, 10 September 2002. The UK foreign secretary’s speech on ‘failed and failing states’ lays out a very British alternative to US unilateralism – a return to the days of Empire.

‘Hawk Talk’, Spiked-Online, 6 September, 2002. War has become the easy option for America – and the anti-war camp is making it easier still.

‘Limits of the ICC’, Spiked-Online, 28 August 2002. The squabbles about the International Criminal Court indicate that some states are more equal than others.

‘Bosnia’s New Colonial Governor’, Guardian, 9 July 2002. Paddy Ashdown is turning its elected leaders into his ciphers. (Guardian Letters – responses from Nicholas Whyte, Balkans programme director International Crisis Group, and Adam Walker, University of Hertfordshire).

‘The King of Bosnia’, Spectator, 8 June 2002. Paddy Ashdown must feel that power is finally his. Why else would he sack Bosnia’s deputy prime minister?

‘Imperialism may be out but aggressive wars and colonial protectorates are back’, Observer Comment Extra, 14 April 2002. A response to Robert Cooper’s provocative call for a new liberal imperialism. If the diplomat had used different language and stressed the universally ’empowering’ nature of his project, his most vocal critics may well have applauded.

‘Universal Values: Human Rights’, studio discussion, Analysis, BBC Radio 4, 11 April 2002. Transcript.

‘Not so new Imperialism’, Spiked-Online, 11 April 2002. The UK Foreign Policy Centre’s pamphlet on Reordering the World is controversial for one reason: its use of the language of old-fashioned realpolitik instead of new human rights-speak.

‘Human rights trump democracy’, Spiked-Online, 19 March 2002. The USA is recasting its international dominance as a global defence of human rights.


‘Learning from History’, Variant, Vol.2, No.14, Winter 2001.

‘Faking democracy in Kosovo’, Spiked-Online, 27 November 2001. The provincial elections in Kosovo on 17 November were hailed as a ‘step forward to democracy’. David Chandler, who observed the elections for the Council of Europe, wonders why.

”International Protectorate in Afghanistan’, studio discussion, Newsnight, BBC2, 5 November 2001.

‘Ripping up the Charter’, Spiked-Online, 18 October 2001. How did the United Nations that protects people from the ‘scourge of war’ become a United Nations that legitimises military intervention and the creation of neo-colonial orders?

‘Women’s Rights and International Protectorates’, studio discussion, Woman’s Hour, BBC Radio 4, 19 October 2001.

‘Dictating democracy in Belarus’, Spiked-Online, 12 October 2001. The European and US authorities’ attempts to ‘assist democracy’ in Belarus had the opposite effect – patronising voters and limiting their choices.

‘Third time wrong: NATO’s intervention in Macedonia’, Spiked-Online, 30 August 2001. Those who think NATO’s military intervention in Macedonia will bring peace and democracy should think again.

”The Dayton Accords’, Talking History, Public Radio Satellite/Voice of America, 6 August 2001.

‘Academics identify key issues in the upcoming general election: David Chandler: Participation bid will not reduce apathy’, Times Higher Education Supplement, 1 June 2001.


‘Kosovo elections: who’s failing the test of democracy?’, Spiked-Online, 29 December 2000. In the new ‘democratic’ Kosovo, what the people want comes low down the list of priorities.

‘Bosnia, Kosovo and Democracy: Democracy in the age of humanitarian intervention’, Current Concerns (Zurich), January 2000, pp.1,2 & 5.


‘Lehren aus Bosnien: Internationale Protektorate auf dem Balkan sind keine Losung’, Novo Magazin, No.41, (Juli-August 1999), p.13.

‘Faking Democracy: Vom Demokratie-Schwindel in Dayton zur Demokratie-Abschaffung in Rambouillet’, Jungle World, 23 June 1999.

‘Plan ohne Frieden: Die neue Bürde des weißen Mannes’, Jungle World, 16 June 1999.

‘The Lesson of Bosnia…is that an international protectorate solves nothing’, Living Marxism, No.120, May 1999, p.12.

‘Last night Mr Blair hailed our intervention in Bosnia as a success. As this alarming report reveals, the reverse is true’, Daily Mail, 27 March 1999, p.6.

Comments in Simon Jenkins, ‘The real catastrophe: No amount of NATO bombing will make Milosevic see sense in Kosovo’, The Times, 24 March 1999.


‘The End of Sovereignty? Lessons Learned in the Bosnian Conflict’, Living Marxism, No.114, October 1998, pp.43-44.


‘The Ministry of Truth and the Bosnian Elections’, LM Commentary, 17 September 1997.

‘Bosnia: More Democratisers, Less Democracy’, Living Marxism, No.103, September 1997, pp.31-33.

‘Preparing Bosnia for Democracy’, LM Commentary, 29 June 1997.

‘You will be Democratised: Why should the West decide what’s best for the people of the Balkans’, Living Marxism, No.98, March 1997, pp.43-46.

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